Monday, June 19, 2023

 Jack Ruby's defense lawyers were smart enough to stress the fact that Ruby had no memory of shooting Oswald. However, they were not smart enough to realize that the reason he couldn't remember it was because he didn't do it.

You have to subscribe to the NY Times to access this article, but I'm posting it anyway to show you that Ruby couldn't remember the shooting, and it was because he wasn't there for it. It didn't happen when he was there. There was no shot at all when he was there. He was there at a different time, an earlier time, at which he was jumped; hustled up to the 5th floor; and there told that he shot Oswald.
Ruby was stupid and incompetent. If he had half a brain he would have said, "check my gun; it hasn't been fired; smell the Goddamn muzzle; it doesn't stink." Of course, they took his gun from him. He never took it out. I'm sure they reached into his pocket and got it. But, unless they had an identical gun that was recently fired, he would have had them checkmated right there.
There was nothing wrong with Ruby's memory. He recalled seeing Lt. Rio Sam Pierce at the top of the ramp. So, if he remembered that, why wouldn't he remember shooting Oswald, if he had done it? But, you can't remember something that you didn't do.
Jack Ruby was innocent; completely, totally innocent; framed and innocent. If you don't know that about that JFK assassination weekend, you might as well not know anything at all.
Oswald and Ruby were both innocent. The perpetrators: Johnson, Hoover, Dulles, Bush, etc.- they were responsible for all the killings.

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