Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This time, let's start with the tree by itself. I don't know when this picture was taken. It was definitely taken a long time ago but not the day of the assassination. I don't know exactly when.

So now you see what was there: the double trunk of the tree, each one of which corresponds neatly to the woman's hair coming down and merging with the straps of the dress. Also, on the left, there is a crescent shaped area where the baby would go. Now, let's plug them in.

 Now, let's put this pieced-together one with the one from Robin Unger

I think I've got it lined up pretty well. So, let's consider the Woman and Baby's height. The street slopes down from the Elm Street extension to Elm proper. On the left, why is the man who is behind the woman not taller than she is? I know he wasn't there on November 22, but it really doesn't matter. He was standing farther back then her, which makes him higher, and chances are, he was taller than she was. Likewise, the other person who was to our right should have been taller, all the rest being equal.

So, I am questioning the elevation of that Woman and Baby, saying that they are too high.

Then, there is the issue of her left arm. In the gif, she is waving it high in the air throughout the time we see her, which is about 6 seconds. But, in the still the still from Robin Unger, we don't see her arm elevated at all; it looks to be going down and coming across to support the baby.

What I am looking for is something like this:

I want to know why Robin Unger can't provide me a frame like that from his gif, where the left arm is seen elevated and waving, as she was supposedly doing. Let's put them together:

In what way, shape, or form can the woman on the left be construed to be waving her left arm high in the air? She is doing it constantly throughout the gif, but it's in contradiction with the still frame.

And then when we revert to the comparable frames from the movie as it exists online, it is most pathetic:

The Towner Woman and Baby were not there. They were fabricated. They are just a photographic trick. And that is the truth.

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