Tuesday, May 2, 2023

 This is incredible. It makes me shudder. There is this video of Ruby being taken for his psychiatric tests and returning from them to the County Jail. Well, right in the middle of it, it jumps to footage of him from 1954. He was charged with something then. It wasn't a violent crime. It had something to do with his nightclubs. But, he was obviously younger then, and he was also fatter.

So, I am attaching the image of him from 1954, and with it I put the very next image that it jumps to in the video.
So, just think: they thought that they could go from Young Jack to Older Jack, a 10 year age difference, since the latter was 1964, and nobody would notice? How stupid do they think people are?
And get this: During the long clip of the Young Ruby, you hear reporters asking him questions. You don't see their faces, but you hear their voices. So, they ask, how did the tests go, Jack, blah, blah, blah. But, Ruby doesn't respond. It's like he isn't aware that they spoke to him. There is a complete disconnect. And his whole behavior is very odd. He seems rather deranged to me, and maybe that's why they put it in, because his facial expressions are just plain weird.
Anyway, I'll give you the link, and I'll attack the two images. Remember: you're not supposed to notice the jump from young to old. That was supposed to go completely over your head. Why? Because, to them, you're just a Dumb Rube, that's why.

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