Monday, May 29, 2023

This is Marina Oswald on November 22 and then again on February 3 testifying to the WC. I want you to see how much weight she lost under federal "protective custody." She went from normal weight to being nearly emaciated.

What, were they waiting for the government to raise the debt ceiling before they could feed her? No, it wasn't that. And it wasn't because she was grieving over Oswald either. It was due to the drugs she was given.
Marina underwent an intensive mind control/brainwashing program. It was an MK-ULTRA program, and it involved drugs, as MK-ULTRA always did. It had to because it involved rewriting memories in her brain, and you can't do that with just psychological manipulation. It required hallucinogenic drugs because she needed to hallucinate the new memories.
Which memories? I am referring to the fact that Oswald did not own a rifle, and again, if you haven't read John Armstrong about it, you should.
So, just as he said, Oswald did not own a rifle. And when Marina was first asked if he did, she said that he used to (back in Russia) but it got sold. Why would she mention that if she knew he currently owned a rifle? She wouldn't. And as I have explained, the whole story of how the rifle got from Dallas to New Orleans and then back to Dallas is full of leaks. We have every good reason to believe Oswald that he didn't own a rifle.
Yet, in her testimony, Marina waxed on and on about Oswald and his beloved rifle, how he posed for a picture with it and went to shoot Walker with it. John Armstrong also demolished the mail-ordering of the pistol.
And yet, Marina said that Oswald was leaving to go out to shoot Nixon with it in April (Nixon was not in Dallas in April, although LBJ was. So maybe she got her Veeps confused?) So, to stop him from doing it, she locked him in the bathroom. When it was pointed out to her that you can't lock a bathroom door from the outside; only from the inside, she changed her story to that she used her brute strength to hold the door closed. Though he tried with all his might to open it, he just couldn't overcome the brute strength of his pregnant wife. And by the time she let him out, it was either too late, or he changed his mind.
Both those things happened before Oswald left for New Orleans. Ruth Paine recalled how it went when he called to say he had secured an apartment for them, how excited and happy Marina was. She said to June in Russian, "Papa loves us." If she knew he was a homicidal maniac, why would she follow him to another state to be with him, live with him, and put her child in danger of him?
Another wild story she told was that Oswald prodded her to join him in hijacking a plane to Cuba at gunpoint.
To what extent did she believe these wild stories? It's hard to say. I'm sure it wasn't a normal memory, and far from it. And I suspect it had lasting repercussions, which is to say, lasting damage on her. What does she believe today? I can't say, however, I have read reports that she now believes that Oswald was innocent. But wait. She was, by far, the most damning witness against him. And it's ironic because in court, a wife cannot be made to testify against her husband. Had Oswald lived, she, no doubt, would have been a witness for him. She would have testified that he didn't own a rifle; that he didn't shoot at Walker; that he had nothing against Kennedy, etc.
And I'll state again that their starting this "protective custody" while Oswald was still alive proves that they knew he was going to be killed. They knew it because they killed him, that is, they got the Dallas Police to kill him.
And I'll end with this: that like Marina, and like Sirhan Sirhan at the time of the RFK assassination, Jack Ruby also got quite thin. He wasn't pudgy like the Garage Shooter, James Bookhout. Ruby's doctor had him on amphetamines for weight loss. Of course, that is considered malpractice today, but was it appropriate even then? For a guy like Ruby? The drug he was taking, Preludin, got banned for being too addictive and dangerous. But, he got it from his doctor. So, who was his doctor, and why don't we know. We know who is rabbi was, so why don't we know who Ruby's doctor was? We know who his doctor became: Louis Joylan West, the Maestro of Mind Control, the top CIA mind control doctor in the world, flown in repeatedly from UCLA to treat Ruby. You want to know another famous patient of Jolly's? Sirhan Sirhan. Hmmm. I wonder if Jolly ever saw Marina Oswald.
If I could speak to her, the first thing I would ask her is, what the hell did they do to you when you were in protective custody? What drugs did they give you?

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