Tuesday, April 28, 2015

You lied, Backes. You said the Loveladys provided the HSCA with copies of the photos, when there aren't even "photos" at issue. You just said it out of spite. You said it because it didn't say who furnished them, so you made it the Loveladys out of sheer desire for it to be them, and with utter and complete indifference for the truth. You invented it. You fabricated it. You made it up.

And not just with indifference for the truth, but with utter and complete contempt for the truth. That's what you have, Backes. You are so vile; so completely lacking in humanity for Kennedy, for Oswald, or for anyone else, that you will bold-faced lie- without shame, without guilt, and without remorse. Your only regret is that you got caught lying and fabricating.

You are not a researcher, Backes, and you will NEVER speak at a JFK conference again. 

Meanwhile, among those who actually defend Lee Harvey Oswald, his presence in the doorway has become Ground Zero in the whole debate. It's where the whole community has pivoted. The majority of Oswald defenders now place Oswald in the doorway at the time of the shots. 

What comes in second place after the doorway? There is no second place. Nobody is talking about any other place. There is no alternate location. Once you reject the 6th floor as his location, he reverts to the doorway, and there is no other place to put him. He wasn't eating lunch in the domino room at 12:30- that came earlier. And he only reached the 2nd floor lunch room a moment before Baker arrived, and Oswald was still on his feet and walking. And, the very idea that he would have preferred to sit alone in that dank, cramped lunch room at 12:30 doing nothing rather than be out in the sunlight watching President Kennedy and his glamorous wife ride by is preposterous on the face of it. Of course, Oswald was outside. Where the hell else was he going to be? Why shouldn't he be outside? And, he told us that he was outside. 

And, we have photographic proof that Will Fritz lied. And why did he lie? He lied because he didn't want to tell the truth, that Oswald told him that he was "out with Bill Shelley in front". 

Backes, you are not an Oswald defender, and no one considers you an Oswald defender. You collaborate with Oswald accusers every day, and you call them your "lads." 

These two match, Backes. The men match. Their builds match. Their faces match. Their clothes match, including their shirts and their t-shirts. It's the same guy. 

  • And, if you look closely, you'll see that even their right collars - the way they furl- are a complete, dead-on, spot-on
    perfect match. And you would have to be out of your mind to deny it. 

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