Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 Lynne Whitehead

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They will make $trillions and pay a few $billion for ‘fraud’ then everyone will live happily ever after. Apart from the few million people who died/became very sick as a result. All for the good of mankind and oh lest we forget, the Science that we all follow. Bahhh Rammm Eweee.
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    Well, it's incredible. It's incredible that only 94 out of 43,538 people had symptoms over 3 months time. It's incredible that they weren't interested in testing the 45,444 they so quickly brushed aside. And here's something else: Since they're willing to just assume that those 45,444 are OK,, then it means that only 84 out of 22,722 people in the control group got sick, and just a little sick. No one got seriously sick. What do you need a vaccine for if among a group of 22,722 unprotected people, only 84 of them got sick and only mildly? In other words, even though only 10 of the vaccinated 22,722 got sick, the vast majority in both groups did not get sick, and none of the few who did got seriously sick. So, the only thing that this study proved is that no vaccine is needed.

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