Monday, November 4, 2013

The other thing is this: if a man is attacking with a box-cutter, then it's very likely that he is going to be fighting with just one hand. His whole mindset will be to slash with that box-cutter, and he's not going to be thinking about doing anything with his other hand. He's not going to strike with it; he's not going to do anything with it. That's just the way it is. So, he's going to be fighting with one hand.

At the same time, I am fighting him with two hands. That means two hands to strike him with. Two hands to grab him with. And two hands to topple him with. 

Don't overestimate the effectiveness of a box-cutter as a weapon. I'm thinking I would charge him and dive for his lower body- go for a take-down, as they say in mixed martial arts. What's he going to do about it? Stab me in the back with the box-cutter? 

Let him try. I am moving, so his ability to apply a forth directionally down into my back is limited. My movement is dissipating- spreading out- the vector of his force. He's not going to get much penetration. 

I used this stack of magazines as a proxy for a man's back. Even jamming it down hard, there's not much penetration. You can't even get the knife to stand up. And remember, I'd be wearing several layers of clothing: t-shirt, over-shirt, and jacket.  

That blade went in there but not far enough to support the knife. 

So, if I dove in on that guy to topple him, he's not going to be able to hurt me. Even if he rams the blade into my back. So what? He is barely going to penetrate. It'll be the equivalent of a pin prick. It's not even going to slow me down.

And if instead of stabbing me he tries slashing me, he'll probably just cut my clothes. Meanwhile, I'll be taking him down. And once he's down, it's over for him. There are other people there- working with me. They'll be pitching in to dominate him and disable him. He is toast.  

Remember, JFK was shot in the back with a bullet that penetrated 2 inches. It burrowed a 2 inch hole in his back! Big deal. He was still able to sit up, move, everything. From what we can tell, he didn't even react to the back shot, only the neck shot. Until the fatal head shot, Connally seemed worse off than Kennedy to me. 

I guarantee you that there is no way that that terrorist would be able to drive a box-cutter 2 inches into my back. The more I think about it, the more I think he's really not at any great advantage having it. He's got that little knife; but, his other hand would be out of it, while I've got two fists. I would say: bring it on, mo-fo.  

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