Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is a well publicized article about Marina Oswald Porter that appeared yesterday in the Daily Mail out of the UK:

The gist of it is that: "After reading 40,000 books and conspiracy theories about the shooting, she has changed her mind. She now believes, like the majority of American citizens, that a more complex cover-up led to the shooting of the beloved president."

That's great. Fabulous. But, look what they go on to say:

"The night before the assassination she remembers him bringing his rifle to her home and putting it in the garage. The next day, she noticed it was gone." 

What?????????????  That is pure bull shit.  According to the Warren Commission, that rifle lay wrapped in a blanket undisturbed for 8 weeks before the assassination. 

Oswald made his way home the afternoon before the assassination with Buell Frazier, and obviously if he had a rifle with him, Frazier would have seen it. Furthermore, since they left from work, then Oswald must have already had the rifle tucked away at work. So why bring it to Mrs. Paine's house for the evening? Couldn't stand to be away from it for a night? Afraid the cleaning lady might find it? Felt the dank air of the 6th floor might harm the inner workings? I'm sure David Letterman could come up with a great Top 10 List of reasons why Oswald went back and forth with that rifle.  

And think about what it means. Obviously, if he took the rifle back to work with him on the morning of the assassination, then he must have shot Kennedy. So, what they're really saying, in a subtle way, is that, despite what Marina and the majority of Americans think, HE DID IT. 

The Daily Mail isn't even American but British, so what are they lying for? And who are they lying for? 

But, as I've said, the UK is a hotbed of JFK dis-information- particularly online. 

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