Monday, September 28, 2015

So, the Secret Service agents were looking for the source of the shots, were they? The reasoning behind that falls at about the same level as the Dick and Jane readers the TSBD was selling.

The source of the shots was, allegedly, the east 6th floor window, and they're not looking that way. But, they are looking at the building, you say? But, the whole building wasn't the source of the shots. The building was as big as a city block. The shot was as wide as the bullet, which was 6 mm. The fact that they were looking at the building was irrelevant because they weren't looking at the right part of building. 

They seem to be looking at the doorway.

But, why would they, even theoretically, think the shots came from there? They had to know that anyone shooting at the President would do so from a remote, secluded, distant perch, and probably a high one, where there would have been a reasonably good chance of getting away. There is no way they those guys thought that shots were coming from that doorway, where they were looking.

So, why was the caption written that way? It's not as though someone tracked down those agents, and asked them, "Can you confirm that in this picture you were looking for the source of the shots?" According to their statements, they all thought it was firecrackers anyway, so were they looking for the source of the firecrackers? Then why say shots?

They, the Secret Service agents, were not consulted about that caption. It wasn't written by them or from any information they provided. 

And for those of you who think that the Altgens photo was wired to the world at 1:03 pm, what time do you think it was written? The picture was taken at 12:30. Altgens didn't leave the Plaza right away. You can see him in various images after the shooting. Then he supposedly "ran" to the Dallas Morning News office. How fast do you figure this guy could have run with his equipment?

I'm thinking not too fast. I'm thinking the "running" part may have been an exaggeration. So, he gets there, and what time is it? 12:45? And the first thing they have to do is develop it, right? Nobody can begin to write any captions until they see what they've got, right? They've got to see what they're writing about, before they can write it, don't they? So, the film gets developed, and the first thing they have to do is sort through all the frames, decide if there are any they want to leave out. And then they have to start writing captions for each one, right? How long does that take? 

The guy who officially wrote the captions was another AP photographer, initials C.E.L. I forget what it stands for. He usually took pictures; he didn't write about them. But that day, he, supposedly, wrote for Ike Altgens. Why? If they were going to have a photographer write the captions, why not let Altgens write his own captions? Was the guy who wrote the captions even there in Dealey Plaza? I don't know, but even he was, how could he, at that time, claim to know anything about the source of the shots? It wasn't even 1:00 yet. The police certainly didn't make any public announcements about it up to that point. So, how could this AP photographer look at the photo and claim to know that the Secret Service agents were looking for the source of the shots? And even if he thought that was probably what they were doing, where would he get the nerve to put it in the caption and bake it into the cake?  

Well, I don't think that he wrote it. I think they used his name because he was there, and he was well known. I think the caption was written later, hours later - after the photo was altered. The caption-writing was intertwined with the alterations. After all, they added one of those Secret Service agents who was looking for the source of the shots. They manufactured him.

You know that these two are not the same man. They have different hairlines, one much higher than the other. But in addition to that, the shape of their heads is different; their jackets are different; they are just not the same man. And it proves, beyond any doubt, that the image on the right is a false image. He's a stranger. He isn't Hickey. So, what's he doing there?  

This is supposed to be the actual caption:Se

"Secret Service men are looking from where shot came from."

That means literally that they were in the Sniper's Nest- if you assume that's where the shots came from. An AP guy wrote that? I don't think so. I don't think so at all. 

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