Wednesday, August 30, 2023

 DMT asked if I believe Oswald was loaded into the ambulance. I don't doubt that he was. But, it's very strange the way it went down.

The Garage Spectacle was all theater. Oswald wasn't shot there. And he wasn't carried inside. There was no need to carry him inside since he wasn't shot. So, they sent that wall of men rushing across the camera field like a stampede, which gave him a chance to get inside.
Now, after they were inside and order was restored in the basement, two minutes passed before we see anything at all inside the jail office. That's when they shot Oswald. They must have had a room set up for it. They had a 38 with a silencer. I presume they knocked him out first because they needed to place that bullet with surgical precision. Between having a silencer and having a circle of men around, it would have dampened the noise sufficiently.
And what we see, when we finally see something is, supposedly, Oswald on the floor being oogled by detectives who are standing around him. Was he really on the ground there? Who knows? We can't see him, so we just don't know.
But, they eventually wheel him out on a stretcher, and this is an image of it, but, it's very strange.

What is that white thing over his abdomen? And why does his hand look so waxen? It looks like a wax hand. And what's it doing there? He's unconscious and exsanguinated, so he couldn't possibly have put it there. So, who moved his hand there and why? Didn't they know that you shouldn't do that? That any pressure at all on the traumatized abdomen will increase the bleeding? Cops should know that. And since Oswald didn't and couldn't move his hand there, who did?
And why is his left arm dragging on the ground? They are in motion there. So, they just let his arm drag on the ground?
Now, look at Jim Leavelle on the left in his Easter suit. He has no legs. He's like a Munchkin.
On the right is Blackie Harrison, and if you compare, he's not the same man in the Jackson photo who is sucking on the little cigar.
And finally, in the back, having just come out the door is James Bookhout. That's him. And that's exactly where he said he was. If you read his testimony to the Warren Commission, he said that after the final interrogation, he remained in Will Fritz office- doing nothing. It was a lie, of course. Then, he said that once he got word that Oswald was shot in the basement, he went down there and viewed Oswald on the floor. And then, when they wheeled him out to the garage to load him up, he followed the stretcher out. He never explained why he didn't go to Parkland Hospital, although I know why. It's because he didn't want to be seen. After all, he was the Garage Shooter whom they had just seen minutes before pretending to shoot Oswald. You notice how he's looking down and looking guilty. He really never should have gone out there. He didn't need to. The result is that we have his image for all time.

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