Saturday, August 26, 2023

 This shows the extremes in which Ruby's hair was depicted. But, even on the left, as sparse as it is, they enhanced it.

Admittedly, the one on the middle is an outlier. They didn't usually go to that extreme in falsifying Ruby's hair. But, some artist got carried away there, and now it's part of the permanent record.
And in-between these two, there is a whole gamut of looks, no two of which are the same. And that's because each and every one was done by an individual artist with paint and a brush. That's how they did it back then. There was no Photoshop.
And they might as well have used red paint- red to represent the blood of Kennedy and Oswald. Those artists were accessories to murder- assessories after the fact. To believe that Ruby killed Oswald, you have to believe that all three images are the same man. You have to believe that beneath the hat of the Garage Shooter on the right was the bald head that you see on the left.
I am left wondering why anyone is willing to lie for the Draconian State, a state that kills people about as flippantly as it prints money. Why do you want to help it cover up its terrible deed? Is any amount of money worth it?

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