Tuesday, August 8, 2023

  A keen observation from Dennis Cimino:


"Irony would have it that what you have now done, Ralph, is that by virtue
of the nuance of 'gorilla man' surrogate for Billy Lovelady, you have
by accident proven that Billy Lovelady was no longer fully on board with
the cover up of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
any person with any intellect would surmise this, Ralph. IF for some reason
Billy Lovelady was 'out of town' or 'on travel' or 'sick in the hospital'
he'd obviously NOT be helping stage this fake shit to usurp the original
version of the film, the film that proved that there was a problem in that
doorway they couldn't otherwise resolve without re-shooting that shit.
instead, he chose to NOT be part of this plot any longer. There is no
other explanation for the fat fuck playing Lovelady wearing his shirt.
So Billy Lovelady was going off the reservation a tad. it's no wonder
that they would ultimately kill him for this, because he both knew too
much, and was balking at helping them cover the crime up. Two very good
reasons to murder him with the heart attack gun or a pill or whatever they
gave him,
maybe something they put into a drink to kill him. but now they had
a problem. This is important information, beyond your original discovery
because it certifies that Billy Lovelady wasn't playing the game any
that's quite important in the timeline of events here.
very much so."

RC: That's a very good point by Dennis. I had brushed over it myself, but carelessly. I did consciously wonder why they didn't shoot it with the real Lovelady. But then, I said to myself that he moved to Colorado, which is true. And so, since he wasn't in Dallas any more, they used someone else. But, that doesn't really make sense because traveling from Colorado back to Dallas is nothing. I don't know where in Colorado Lovelady lived, but it's just one long driving day from Denver to Dallas. So, Dennis is right: Why didn't they use the real Lovelady? They may have had to doctor him some. His progressive hair loss, for instance, progressed another 3 years. But, that could have been easily remedied, and no doubt it would have been much more convincing than using Gorilla Man. So, why didn't they use him for that phony clip? Well, let's look at the whole picture. Why didn't CBS go through with using him for their four hour JFK special in 1967? They did bring him down from Colorado and shoot him in the doorway. And they did an extensive interview of him. But, they didn't use it or him in the broadcast. They chucked it all. This is the picture they took of him.

Why did they bail? Because Lovelady was a basket case. He couldn't sell it. He was a bad actor and a bad liar. And that's exactly why Ken Brooten didn't drag him to DC to testify to the HSCA in 1977. HE WOULD HAVE DONE MORE HARM THAN GOOD. 
So, I was naive to think that the distance from Colorado to Dallas was why they didn't use Lovelady in 1966. They didn't use Lovelady because Lovelady was a flop at pretending to be Doorman. He was no damn good at it. And just as he did with Brooten years later, begging him not to force him to go to Washington, Lovelady must have begged them not to force him to go to Dallas. And I'm sure they had no sympathy for him. They weren't being nice. They just knew that they couldn't trust him. 

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