Tuesday, August 22, 2023

I want you to see how air-tight the case is for Ruby's innocence. Here's a list of elements, every one of which proves that Ruby didn't do it.  

1. When Ruby was pounced upon, he spoke; the Garage Shooter did not.  Ruby said: "What are you doing? You know me. I'm Jack Ruby- not some criminal." But, we can see that the Garage Shooter did NOT speak. He rushed in; fired; then lept to get in front of Oswald with his back to the camera; and then did a swan-dive into the waiting arms of police. Greg Louganis couldn't have done it better. He didn't speak, and he didn't try to speak. We don't see his lips moving, and we don't hear him. And no one except lying cops claimed that he spoke. None of the reporters, in their accounts, said that the Shooter spoke. Therefore, there were two events: one with Ruby in which he spoke; and then the televised one with Bookhout, in which he did not speak. BELIEVE YOUR OWN EYES THAT THE SHOOTER DID NOT SPEAK.

2. It is well established and undispusted that the first thing Dallas Police did when they got Ruby upstairs was strip him down to his underwear. And they kept him in his underwear- for hours. They just talked to him in his underwear, and they brought in other men to talk to him- in his underwear. They needed Ruby's clothes to give to Bookhout and to get the documentation from Western Union and replace it with fraudulent ones. The fact that they kept Ruby up in the jail for several hours in his underwear is proof that they were up to larceny. 

3. The fact that they gave him a uniform (that was more like a Cuban waiter's outfit) is also unjustifiable. It was a City Jail, and prisoners were sent somewhere else as soon as they were arraigned, and they were usually arraigned the same day. It was and is very common for prisoners to be transferred to the County Jail on the same day as their arrest. So, why would you give them a uniform at the City Jail? It wasn't and isn't done. You can't name any other prisoners who EVER got a uniform at the DPD.  And of course, Oswald didn't. They had no clothes for Oswald. The clothes he wore on Sunday morning were his own clothes. Someone went to his boarding room and got them. And since it's untenable that they went out and bought clothes for Ruby after the shooting, it means  that they were prepared in advance to give him that uniform, which means that they knew that it was coming. 

4. But, the coup de grace was them claiming to change his underwear- replacing every stitch of clothes on his body and his shoes. The reason they made that claim is because the mug shot shows Ruby wearing black socks and high-top black shoes, while the Shooter wore light socks and dressy wingtip shoes. So, to rectify that discrepancy, they claimed to change Ruby's socks and shoes. But, it is laughable and ridiculous, and it proves that Ruby was not the Shooter.  

5. The shenanigans with his hair, in which his hair looked different every time- for the rest of his life- and over a wide range of looks. Here are just a few:

The fact was that Ruby was practically bald, while Bookhout wore a wig in the garage. He had to because he was an FBI agent, and they all had short hair, razored on the sides and in back.  So, he wore a mop that really stands out in the Jackson photo. Hence, it was calling all artists to doctor Ruby's hair for the rest of his life. And in the films, you can see his hair jumping around and fluctuaring. 

6. The jail transfer was scheduled for 10 AM, but they didn't do it until 11:20. They claimed to interview Oswald from 9:30 until 11:15- almost two hours. But, do you know what Fritz wrote down from it? Nothing. Do you know what he told Bookhout when Bookhout asked him what came from it? Nothing. But, according to Postal Inspector Harry Hines, Oswald completely reversed himself about Mexico City, waxing on about his trip, how cheap everything was in Mexico, etc. How come nobody else heard it?  Because it never happened. Oswald denied going to Mexico City. He said the only place in Mexico he ever went was Tijuana. He never reversed himself. Hines made it up. The reason the jail transfer got delayed was because they had to wait for Ruby to get there; then get him squared away up on the 5th floor. They had to do the photoshoot in the basement where the Jackson photo was taken in advance. Then, they had to get Roy Vaughn placed to guard the Main Street ramp, with Ruby already tucked away on the 5th floor.

7. This is huge: the fact that there were people gathered at the Main Street ramp. It was an incoming ramp. Who could they have been waiting to see arrive? Nobody. They were there to be a magnet for Ruby and that is all. It made no sense for them to be there.  

8. The fact that Ruby and Roy Vaughn gave different accounts of how it went when Lt. Pierce pulled out. Ruby said that the sqauad car stopped at the top of the ramp and the officer on foot, whom he didn't know, leaned in to talk to Pierce. Vaughn said that the squad car never stopped; that he never spoke to Pierce; that he checked to see that traffic was clear and then waved him through. And Ruby did know Vaughn, so if he had seen Vaughn, he would have recognized him and said so. Then, there was the fact that there were three men in the car when it passed Vaughn. Two sergeants accompanied Pierce. One was named Moxie. When Ruby was there, Pierce was alone in the car. They were different passings about an hour apart: the one with Ruby at 10:17 and the one with Vaughn at 11:17.

9. And do you know what time Ruby said he sent his money wire to Karen Carlin? 10:15. That's what he told the Warren Commissioners. He was corrected right away by a Secret Service agent; but, that is what he said. He wasn't mistaken. He hadn't lost an hour. And if you do the Math of what he did that morning, getting up early, eating breakfast, and then leaving...do you know how long the drive was from his apartment to Western Union? 5 minutes.  So yes, he sent that money wire at 10:15, just as he said. 

10. Jim Leavelle lied. He said that he saw and recognized Jack Ruby, including seeing the gun. That never happened because you can see in the films that Leavelle was looking the other way. He was, in fact, trying not to see the Shooter. He said he jerked on Oswald to pull him behind him to protect him. He did not. That never happened. Then Leavelle said that he thumped Ruby on his left shoulder with his right hand, which never happened. It was a bold-faced lie. You can hear Leavelle spewing his lies here at 2:40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzKvMKkwvmc&t=248s

Then, Leavelle went on to say that he couldn't remember which officer helped him carry Oswald inside, which was another lie. And he said that he didn't remove the handcuffs until after putting him down inside. That is ridiculous. Then, how did he pick him up and carry him? Nobody would do that. Nobody could do it. If you had to pick someone up to whom you were handcuffed, you would remove the handcuffs first. Try doing it without removing the cuffs. You'll see what happens. 

I could keep going, but 10 is a nice round number, so I'll quit. Jack Ruby was innocent; framed and innocent. That he shot Oswald is a grotesque lie. Ruby's vindication is as certain as Oswald's, and both are coming.  


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