Saturday, December 19, 2020

On the right margin of this photo, standing in the doorway, talking to a policeman, shortly after the JFK assassination, was Lee Harvey Oswald. And anyone who disagrees needs to explain how, at the TSBD, there could be not 2, but 3 people who looked and dressed like Lee Harvey Oswald. Because: there is no way that that was Billy Lovelady, and we've already got him, supposedly, as an Oswald look-alike and dress-alike. 

And you need to know something about the geography of that situation. That was at the top of Elm Street, and it descends down to the TSBD building. Then, it ascends up the steep steps of the building. So, even though they all seem to be at the same level, they are up a hill, and he is up steep steps, and that is why they seem to be level. 

If you've ever been to that place, and I've been there many times, that entrance is like a cave. The steps are deep and steep. There is no way that that figure could have been a random spectator. Nobody would be up those steps unless he had business with the TSBD or worked for them. So, that guy had to be an employee. He got there because he came out of that building. And he came out of that building because he belonged in that building. And that's why I say: he must have worked there. 

Reportedly, that can't be Oswald because it was taken too late, when Oswald was in custody, after his arrest in the theater. But, what are you going to believe: that, or your own two eyes? That's Oswald, and the Laws of Probability say that it can't be anyone else. So, that photo must have been taken earlier, around 12:34.

Now, how many murderers, when fleeing the scene of their crime, stop to hobnob with the police? And we know who that policeman was. He was Police Inspector J. Herbert Sawyer. He's the guy who spoke to Howard Brennan about supposedly seeing Oswald in the 6th floor window. Sawyer never admitted talking to Oswald shortly after the shooting. But, one thing we can be sure ofis that Oswald must have started the conversation. Oswald must have sought him and not vice versa. You can tell that from the dynamic of the situation, as Sawyer is not even facing Oswald. 

I hope you realize that there is no case against Oswald, that the only thing holding up the ridiculous story that he shot JFK is the power of the State.  

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