Friday, August 13, 2021

Biden is sending 5000 American troops back to Afghanistan to escort departing Embassy workers out of the country, supposedly. But, do you know how many Americans work at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul? This is what it says on Wikipedia:

"The embassy was placed on 'ordered departure' in April, meaning non-essential staff were sent away, but even now roughly 4,000 people work at the facility, including Afghan employees, diplomats and contractors. Roughly 1,400 are Americans, a senior U.S. Embassy official in Kabul said." 

That's all we're talking about. Non-essential workers were already recalled in April. And not all Americans are leaving; just some. So, they're sending 5000 troops to get less than 1400 people out, meaning, escort them to the airport? That is ridiculous. The Taliban, itself, would escort them and guarantee their safety. They want them to leave. They're not going to shoot them while they're doing it. The channels of communication with the Taliban are wide open and have been for a long time. So, that could very easily be worked out. 

"Mohammed, we want to get our people out, but we're worried about attacks on the way to the airport."

"No problem. We'll send three armed guards for every departing American, along with a complementary serving of Kabuli Pulao to eat on the plane."

You see how easy it is? Sending 5000 troops to do it is absurd. And who is going to protect them? -and provide them with food, water, medical care, dental care, etc. Why would you create such a burden at a time like this? So, what is really going on?

Biden has been under heavy, daily attack in the U.S. media for leaving Afghanistan. It's a binary situation; either we stay or we leave. So, the media must want us to stay. They must want us to begin our third decade of war in Afghanistan.  And as Biden himself points out, it means that the kid of one of the original American warriors, who wasn't even born in 2001, could now be engaged over there. 

Originally, Biden said that all Americans would be out by September 11. Then he moved it up to the end of August. But, that's just 2 1/2 weeks away. So, he obviously can't send them there now and get them out by the end of August. It isn't logistically possible. It may not be logistically possible to get them out by September 11. So, what this really is is a major reversal. Biden is really just capitulating to his media critics. 

And they may think that the presence of 5000 more American troops will slow down the taking of Kabul. We know it's inevitable, just as we knew that the taking of Saigon and the whole country by the VietCong was inevitable in Vietnam. But there, with freshly printed money, we made sure that it took them a couple years to do it. We don't have that luxury this time. But damn, we don't want them overrunning Kabul in less than two months. So, that's what the 5000 are really for; to act as a deterrent to delay the fall of Kabul, just so we can save face. But, the worst case scenario is that, being a bulwark right there at the airport, if the decision were made to reverse course, we'd have the means to redeploy tens of thousands. 

Don't brush it off because that is what Biden's critics want. Biden was the "Deep State" candidate, but apparently, the Deep State doesn't like his decision to leave Afghanistan. And again: either you leave, or you don't. The opposite of leaving is staying. 

Just yesterday, the American media repeated the dastardly lie that the Taliban is executing surrendering Afghan soldiers. The truth is that the Taliban is winning these provincial capitols with very little fighting. It is mostly happening through surrender. And they want that to continue. They're not going to execute surrendering soldiers. That despicable lie is being told precisely to discourage Afghan soldiers from surrendering. 

Jesus Christ, where do we get the nerve? We, who starved and parched German soldiers to death at the end of World War II, where Eisenhower alone is credited with killing a million of them, while our allies, the Soviets, either killed them outright or marched them off to Siberia to work in the mines as slave laborers. Yet, we have the nerve to accuse the Taliban of atrocities? They are welcoming Afghan soldiers as brothers, and many of them are repatriating themselves to them; switching sides. 

Why don't we get it that the Afghan people have decided? They have voted. And they want the Taliban.  There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop the trend. And this decision to send back 5000 troops is the worst decision Biden could have made.  

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