Thursday, August 19, 2021

 If you analyze Mary Moorman's location when she took her photo, and the time that she took her photo, according to her, you realize that she could not have taken the famous "Moorman photo." 

First, Mary has said from the beginning and all along that she took her photo simultaneous with the first shot, and then she heard two more shots after that. You can hear her say that in this interview:

But, that does not match what we see in the Zapruder film. In the Z-film, Mary takes her picture right before the fatal head shot and long after he is seen reacting to the throat shot. So, according to the Z-film, Mary had to hear the first two shots; and then she took her picture; and then she heard the final shot. So, the film says that she took her picture between shots 2 and 3. 

Now, if you have any doubt about that, you need to watch the film. I have Image Of An Assassination: A New Look At The Zapruder film which has the film in several different formats and speeds and is considered superior. So, let's look at some frames. 

This is the top of the intersection. You can see Houston Street right there. And yet, the freeway sign, which was down by the pergola, is in the picture? It shouldn't be. There is no way Zapruder's camera would have caught that there. But, as I've said, they cut out the part in which JFK was riding down the hill after being shot in the back. So therefore, they had to move the sign up.

This is frame 137 and prior to this, all you see are the advance motorcycle cops. You don't even see the limo. So obviously, there wa sa huge cut and splice there. Why they didn't want us to see the limo rounding the corner I do not know.

So, there is Babushka Lady standing behind Brehm, and I suspect she was using him as a shield, knowing that bullets were flying. I think they deliberately blurred the images of her and Brehm, but what she is doing there is lining up her shot in advance. She is pointing the camera in advance and waiting for Kennedy to get into her camera field.  That is a weird way to take a picture. Note that there was plenty of room on each side of Brehm for her to have circumvented him. But, she didn't want to. She knew what was going on, and she felt safer behind him. But, why are her colors all wrong? She is seen wearing a brown coat in all the other images. I don't know why they would have wanted to change her colors, but they did. 

Now we get to Mary Moorman. This frame of her here is constant in the Zapruder film. She under goes no movement. It's always just this still frame. So, they put it in. They took that frame and stuck it in there, like adding a still photo to a movie. 

And it's still the same frame even after they pass her.

So, there is nothing real about anything we see of Mary in the Z-film. Her time came earlier. She took her picture earlier. SHE SAID SHE TOOK HER PICTURE EARLIER. She said she took it simultaneous with the very first shot. She said she heard the shot as she pressed the shutter. It's obviously not what we see in the Zapruder film. 

Here is the infamous frame 313 from the Zapruder, the moment of the fatal head shot that killed JFK. Notice that Mary Moorman is in it. 

So, did she, supposedly, take her picture before or after the fatal head shot? According to Officialdom, was this photo taken just slightly before or just slightly after the fatal head shot?

I can't answer that question because I don't know if it's ever been declared. But, we can at least say that this photo was taken very close in time to the fatal head shot. I think most people would say it was taken slightly before the fatal head shot, but I know of people, such as Robin Unger, who claim it was taken slightly after, like Z-315 or 316.  

But, if you listen to Mary, you'll hear her say that she took her picture at the time of the FIRST shot, not the LAST shot. And there is no reason to doubt her, is there? Not a single person thinks that Mary Moorman lied, right? 

I don't think she lied, but I think she is mistaken about the very first shot. And that's because I know that the very first shot was taken when Kennedy was very high on the hill, when the limo was still adjacent to the TSBD. That's the shot that hit him in the back with the ice dart containing the nerve agent. There is no chance that she took her photo then because he was too far away from her at the time. She wasn't going to take it that early. She wanted a closeup. 

First, where was she on the hill? She wasn't as far down as she appears in the Z-film.  Here she is demonstrating it with Matt Lauer. 

She is not that low on the hill there. She is a lot higher up than Zapruder was. But, most plats, like this one, show her as being directly across from Zapruder.

I drew a line from Zapruder to Moorman. That's not where she really was. She was well above that. So, why does everyone say that she was down there? It's because that's where she appears to be in the Zapruder film. But, they removed her actually footage and just took a still image of her from it and planted it down there to make it appear that she was down there. Why did they do that? They did it because the Moorman photo was taken by Babushka Lady who was shooting diagonally from behind. And the content of it does appear to be late. The arrangement of Jack and Jackie in the limo does correspond with what was going on right before the fatal head shot. 

So, that's when I think it was taken: right before the fatal head shot and by Babushka Lady. Mary's photo was taken much earlier. I can't say when exactly because I would only be guessing. 

Here's the Betzner photo. It shows the freeway sign, and you can see that it was much smaller than what we see in the Z-film. And it would not have been captured by Zapruder when he was shooting the top of Dealey Plaza.

This is art by Paul Burke, which places Mary slightly above Zapruder, so higher on the hill, and it shows the freeway sign on the other side a little too high, in my opinion.  

Mary went on to say that she took her photo right when the Kennedys were alongside her. But, I don't think that's true. Why would she wait until then when shooting earlier would have meant capturing their faces? I think she said it and wants to think it because the Moorman photo doesn't show their faces. But still, let's use Burke's artwork as a model. I have edited it. 

So, I have put MM at where I think Mary Moorman really was. And I have the limo placed where I think she would have snapped the shutter.

One thing is certain: Mary captured something in her picture that they didn't want seen. It revealed something that was devastating to the Official Story. So, what was it? Well, considering that Mary says she took her photo in conjunction with the first shot, it means that she took it early, way earlier than what we see in Zapruder. So, what if she took it before JFK was hit in the throat? It would mean that she caught JFK reacting only to the back shot and not the throat shot, and that was something that they could not let be seen because they were claiming it was all one shot. Her picture may have captured JFK showing distress before he was supposed to have. That may be why they had to destroy her photo. 

This is from the video of Mary Moorman being interviewed. The interviewer held up this frame from the Z-film and said that it was 1 second before Mary snapped the shutter.

Why on Earth would Mary wait so long to take her picture? She wouldn't. She couldn't. She didn't. 

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