Tuesday, August 17, 2021

This rendering of the Moorman photo shows very well something that I have been claiming for a long time: that there are two motorcycles and two motorcycle cops close together there, and hiding one of them was the purpose for adding the white thumbprint. I put a 1 and a 2 to indicate the back of each motorcycle. 

 And if you look closely, you can see the other motorcyclist, BJ Martin, just his back, right in front of Hargis. 

So, what's going on? What's going on is that image was taken by Babushka Lady because she was the only one who was in position to take it. Look how big Cheney is in comparison to Kennedy. Look how big his head is in comparison to Kennedy's. Why is that? It's because near objects appear larger in a photo, and Hargis was closer to the photographer, Babushka Lady. Look:

The only one in that picture who could capture an image in which Hargis looms larger compared to JFK is Babushka Lady. That's because she was only a short distance from Hargis, and Kennedy was farther away ON THE SAME VECTOR. So, that extra distance was additive. Mary Moorman doesn't even have the camera up to her eyes at that moment. Look at the position of her arms compared to those of BL, who is shooting. 

Notice also that only one front motorcycle wheel stands out, even though you see both Cheney and Martin. This was taken by Muchmore, who was back and to the left of BL. So, the parallax shifted Martin back a little. But, from BL's position, we get a similar image except Martin appears slightly in front of Hargis.

 Babushka Lady took the Moorman photo. There is no doubt about it. There is no one else who could possibly have taken it. There is no chance that Mary Moorman took it, that is, if you believe in the laws of physics and optics. 

Mary took her photo much earlier. She came to claim that she took it when they were exactly even with her, but I have to believe that she said that just to accommodate the official story. She wouldn't have waited that long because if you do, the best you are going to do is capture a picture of them in profile, which is not as good as catching their faces more directly. So, I think she must have taken her picture slightly before that, and it must have captured something that they didn't want us to see. They kept "borrowing" her photo, even though they had numerous copies. They did it because if they were going to change them, they had to change hers. And I'm sure they tried to change her photo. But, eventually, they gave up on it. Or perhaps they accidentally destroyed it. And so, they took an image of BL's, which showed Hargis and Martin from her perspective, which is not how Mary's photo was, which apparently only showed Hargis, So they took Martin out of it by using the white thumbprint. 

I regret that the great Jack White spent oodles of time analyzing the Moorman photo from the perspective of line of sight to try to determine Mary's exact position. And he concluded from it that she was in the street. But, the whole premise was wrong because the photo he was measuring was not Mary's photo. It had nothing whatsoever to do with Mary. That whole analysis was defunct from the get-go. 

Mary Moorman did NOT take the Moorman photo. They have been bamboozling us for nearly 58 years.  

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