Regarding the Aug. 9 front-page article “Taliban fighters overrun 3 cities”:

President Biden’s withdrawal of U.S. armed forces from Afghanistan is a betrayal of the Afghan people. U.S. and NATO armed forces provided stability and a level of cohesion to the disparate Afghan groups and tribes and limited any impact the Taliban might have had in Afghanistan. With the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO armed forces, the Taliban will soon exert control over much or all of Afghanistan. Whatever gains women achieved will quickly erode.  

A State Department spokesperson tried to provide the rationale for the withdrawal of U.S. forces by suggesting that, even with the Taliban in control of Afghanistan, things would not be so bad because the Taliban wished to play nice as they wanted to gain recognition and acceptance on the world stage. It is interesting that the president spoke of a young girl he met in Afghanistan who aspired to become a doctor, and he further remarked that now the young girl had every opportunity to accomplish this. If Mr. Biden truly believes that this will be possible under sharia law, he is either profoundly uninformed or delusional. 

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan will be a humanitarian disaster. Mr. Biden’s decision to remove U.S. forces and the consequent fall of Afghanistan will forever blemish his time in office. He will be remembered as the president who handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban, betraying the Afghan people.

Edward V. Milton, Arlington