Friday, August 6, 2021

Big Find! I just realized something for the first time in the over 10 years that I have been doing this. I've been saying for most of those 10 years, that the black man beneath Oswald, whose name was Carl Jones, whose face was in profile in the Altgens photo, wasn't there. That is, he was there in the doorway, but he wasn't there in that photo. 

The image of the black man was inserted into the photo. It came from a slide that Phil Willis took.

That is the same image. And before you try to claim that Altgens and Willis captured the same image, stop and think. Altgens and Willis shot the doorway from completely different angles. Altgens was down in lower Dealey Plaza on the south side of Elm Street. Willis was at the top of Dealey Plaza by the reflecting pool. So, there is no way they could have captured the same image. 

But, why did they put him in there? And it was a very brazen, grandiose attempt because they tried to make it look like Oswald' left arm coming down was the black man's arm going up.

So, it's like he is hailing a tamale' vendor or just waving at somebody. They actually wanted you think that that's his arm going up, except they put the thumb on the wrong side. There is no way that he could turn his hand like that. In fact, he couldn't make his arm that vertical. That's beyond the normal range of motion. At least, he couldn't do it comfortably, and therefore he wouldn't do it. So, that is definitely Oswald's arm coming down. But, the big question is: why did they do this? What were they trying to hide? 

For a long time, I have been saying that they were trying to hide Oswald's habitual stance of standing with hands clasped in front, which he did a lot.

There are a lot of images of Oswald clasping his hands like that, but I used that one because he's not in handcuffs. A lot of people were quick to attribute the stance to the handcuffs, but really, it was just Oswald's deeply ingrained habit. He did it without even thinking. 

And I still think they wanted to cover up that stance. However, there is more. I now believe that the stance must have exposed Oswald's ID bracelet, as it does here:

Now obviously, if Doorman had on Oswald's ID bracelet, it was all over; they were never going to be able to sell the idea that he was Lovelady. This must be how it looked:

On the right, Oswald had already been stripped of his ID bracelet. But, he had it on in the doorway. And it must have stuck out, just as it does on the left. 

And that's why they felt compelled to do gargantuan alterations to remove that bracelet from the image. 

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, why didn't they just destroy the Altgens photo as soon as they saw that Oswald was in it? Why were they so arrogant as to think that they could get away with making Frankenstinian alterations? Did they really think that nobody would ever notice? Well, somebody did. 

But, arrogance was at the core of the whole operation to kill Kennedy. These were Cold Warriors who thought they could do anything and get away with anything. But, they thought wrong.  

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