The imagery of JFK and Jackie in the Altgens photo is fake, and I can prove it.
JFK has his left fist raised, but it's hard to make out his right fist. Jackie is holding his forearm with her left hand, several inches back from the wrist. Her right hand seems to be behind his forearm. We don't see her thumb. But, could his upper arm be way out there? We can see the round of his shoulder left of that. So, how could his upper arm be as far out as her right hand? And notice that JFK is not rotating his head. His head seems to be centered and neutral. So, we need to find a Zapruder frame that matches that. Here is 253.
In 255, JFK's head is still rotated left. Here is the comparison.
Here is another version using the frame from "Image of an Assassination."
255 is blurry compared to 254, and it's hard to tell what JFK is doing with his left hand. But, he is definitely turned towards Jackie, while in Altgens, he is dead center neutral and not turned at all. On the left, notice how close her hand is to his wrist. There is very little space between his hand and hers. She is farther away in Altgens. Below, in 256, we're back to seeing the jackknife again. You can see plainly that his index finger is extended and not curled up into a fist. Now look at 256.
Notice that you can see his extended index finger again. So, it was extended in 254 and extended in 256. Therefore, don't you think it was also extended in 255, even though we can't see it clearly?
So: extended, blurred, extended. From that we can conclude that his index finger was extended in 255 too, which means that it's no match to Altgens.
In 258, it's clear that there is no fist, that his hand is flexed at the metacarpo-phalanygeal joints, but his fingers are straight.
In 260, it's clear that his other fingers are flexed more than the index finger, which is apart from the rest.
In 262, Kennedy has lowered his head some.
The reason Jackie is grasping his arms is because she is discomforted by what he is doing, and she is trying to get him to relax; to put his arms down. And she is pressing down on them. She has no success getting him to relax, but she does tip him a little bit. She does get his elbow to come down some, as you can see in 268.
Compare 258 to 268
So, she has gotten his elbow down a bit just by pressing down on his arms. But, he is no less tense. It's just the opposite: he is more tense. He is hunching his shoulders more and tightening his posterior cervical muscles more. He really is a mess. This reminds me of my dog when he had a grand mal seizure. I rushed him to the vet, and she immediately said, "he needs to be put down."
It just gets worse and worse for him. Look how she towers over him as he hunches and contracts more.
We'll jump to 300, which is the frame they say corresponds to the Moorman photo. Obviously, it doesn't. If Mary had taken the Moorman photo then, the Kennedys would be centered, and the back of Jackie would be all we see. Jackie is blocking Mary's view of JFK.
Here, he is totally internalized. All he is experiencing are the painful contractions that are racking his body. When Jane Stanford was dying of strychnine poisoning, she said it had to be the worst way to die. I don't know if this was strychnine or another nerve agent, but it was one of them.
By 310, she is really leaning in on him.
Look at the extent to which the flexion of his right forearm has progressed. His hand is all the way up by his ear.
Do you understand now that this was a progressive, global, tetanic spasm? It really was like a seizure. And there is absolutely no chance that the trauma he received to this point could have caused it. It was the effect of a nerve agent.
Then, a few frames later, he was hit with the fatal head shot, and his suffering was over.
But now, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this imagery inside the limo from the Altgens photo is fake. It does not correspond to frame 255 or any other Zapruder frame. It is a crude fakery.
Not just the imagery of JFK and Jackie, the imagery of Connally is fake too.

The hair at his sideburn is too long; it sweeps back too far; it's too dark. And they went easy on themselves by not trying to draw an eye. They didn't expect anyone to look closely at it. And in 1963, it would have been very difficult. There were no home computers. Technology has been the death knell of JFK's killers.
The reason they created this phony imagery is because what the Altgens photo showed was very different. It showed JFK right after he was shot in the back high on the hill. So, they had to change that imagery and relocate the limo down the hill.
Someone made this collage to show where the limo was, but obviously, it's not where it was when Altgens took his picture. And for some reason, they left out Hargis and Martin, the motorcycle cops. But, if they were there, would there have been any room for Altgens in the street? He took his picture from the street. So obviously, the limo had to be high on the hill at the time, long before JFK was shot in the throat.
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