Sunday, November 27, 2022

Which of these bullet holes was the real one? One is above the rear view mirror, and the other below.

I can absolutely assure you that the throat shot hadn't happened yet at the time of the Altgens photo because that photo was taken when the limo was high on the hill, long before JFK was shot in the throat. The imagery of JFK reacting to the throat shot in the Altgens photo is fake. He was reacting to the back shot. 

But, returning to the bullet hole, most witnesses described a lower bullet hole, located just 2 inches above the hood. Vince Palamara publshed audio of SS Agent Joe Paolella saying that. 
Others have shown the Altgens bullet hole much lower than Larry did. This is from Vince's video.

As I look at Altgens, I say they are both right. There are two marks that can be interpreted as holes.

So, who is right, Vince or Larry? Neither! I guarantee you that the throat shot had not been taken at the time of the Altgens photo. It was taken high on the hill before the limo reached the Kill Zone. Kennedy rode down the hill affected only by the back shot. That fact had to be hidden- from the Altgens photo and the Zapruder film. 

Larry also published this image:

This resolves the problem of the throat shot being taken from on top of the triple underpass when there were 18 men up there. 

The alternate theory is that the throat shot was taken from the cubby hole on the far side of Commerce Street. 

This diagram was also provided from Robert Cutler. 

But, that was very close to where James Tague was, so how could he be unaware of it? He did not report any shots taken from behind him. Here he is standing on the island between Main and Commerce.

So, the shooter would have been across Commerce directly behind him. But, let's go back to the diagram.

It takes my breath away when I look at that diagram. Do you understand how small the target was for the throat shot? Recall the CBS experiments in which they got the best marksmen they could to shoot at a moving target of Kennedy's head (which they made much larger than life) and most missed it completely. And that was a whole head! Here we are talking about the vertical space between your chin and the notch in your neck. And when your head is in neutral position, it's not very much, maybe 3 inches. And surely, it was the lower part of the throat that was desired, so we are talking about a target area that was less than 2 inches. Do you really think that from that distance, and at that angle, shooting at a moving target, and through a windshield, that someone would expect to be able to hit such a tiny target? Imagine if the bullet had gone through Kennedy's chin. That would have ruined everything. The same goes if it hit him in the chest. Remember: they knew they were going to claim there was only one shooter from the rear. So, how did they expect to get away with taking a frontal shot? It must be that they planned beforehand to claim that it was an exit wound. 

They knew beforehand that the presence of a very shallow bullet wound in his back without a bullet in it was going to be a problem. After all, where could the bullet go when he was wearing three layers of clothing? Bullets can't go out the same way they came in through clothes. So, by shooting him in the throat in the right spot, they could claim that the bullet traversed him, and that was their plan all along. 

But, the point is that NOBODY would assume they could accomplish this shot of placing a bullet in Kennedy's lower throat under these conditions.

We should ask Craig Roberts about this because he went up to the 6th floor and looked out the window and knew instantly that he couldn't have accomplished Oswald's supposed fatal head shot, and Craig was a military sniper and SWAT team shooter. Let's see if he thinks he could place a bullet in Kennedy's lower throat from that distance, at that angle, with the car moving, and through tinted glass.  


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