Sunday, May 31, 2015

It is the Lovelady clip, you stupid shit. Just because I don't think the guy is really Lovelady doesn't mean that it isn't purported to be him. The whole purpose for which the thing was showcased or even mentioned was for Lovelady, supposedly, being shown in it. 

So, when I say the "Lovelady clip" I mean "the clip supposedly of Lovelady." I assume that people have the intelligence to realize, after all this time, that that's what I mean. But you, because I didn't spell it out, jump on it like it's a gaffe, like I've given away the farm.

You're stupid, Backes. You're fucking stupid. You are helplessly and hopelessly stupid. 

Bonnie Ray Williams said that they watched the motorcade from the 5th floor window, and we have a picture of them doing it; then they stayed on the 5th floor a while and watched the throng of people herd into the railway area. Then they went down one flight of stairs and stopped briefly on the 4th floor. And then they went down to the first floor where they ran into police officers. 

"When we arrived to the first floor, the first thing I noticed was that the policemen had rushed in. I think some firemen came in with a water hose. And then the next thing that happened, these detectives, or maybe FBI--anyway, they stopped us all and they said, "Do you work here?" And we told them yes. And they took our name, address, and they searched everybody. And then the other fellow--I think one fellow asked whether we had been working upstairs. I think we told him yes."

Mr. BALL. Did you go out of the building shortly after you came downstairs?
Mr. WILLIAMS. They wouldn't let anybody out of the building. 

Mr. BALL. Did you go out of the building shortly after you came downstairs?
Mr. WILLIAMS. They wouldn't let anybody out of the building. 

Mr. BALL. Did you go out of the building shortly after you came downstairs?
Mr. WILLIAMS. They wouldn't let anybody out of the building. 

So, fuck you, you dirty mudder-rucker! Williams denied being outside at the time that clip, which was supposedly of Lovelady, was taken. And since there are doubts about the Williams figure in it, based on his weight, his hairline, the length of his neck, and size of his collar button, this then cinches it; different guy. Williams is telling us that it was a different guy. 

You are an evil, blood-soaked Kennedy-killer. You don't give a good God-damn about Kennedy or Oswald or anyone else. All you care about is your war against me, even though every battle of which you have lost. Meanwhile, my organization, the Oswald Innocence Campaign, has grown. It is now the largest JFK research organization in the world.  And, the OIC website is the biggest threat to JFK officialdom in the world today.

Did the Supposed Lovelady clip exist in any form on 11/22/63? I'm not at all sure about that, but what I know for sure is that it did not exist in the form that it appeared in 1966 when it was first spotlighted. It was never mentioned before that. It was never noticed before that. And it certainly had no effect on the Warren Commission and what they did. 

Therefore, you can't make any argument about the Warren Commission concocting Bonnie Ray Williams' testimony the way you have done with Lovelady's. There isn't even a theoretical basis for why they would have done that. So, that testimony is what it is, and there is no reason to doubt it. Bonnie Ray Williams was NOT outside 15 minutes after the assassination. He was inside. He said so himself. 

You don't like it? Tough shit. There's nothing you can do about it. There's no spin you can put on it. Oh, I don't say you aren't stupid enough to try. But, there is no plausible spin; there is no effective spin. 

You're stupid, Backes. You were born stupid. You eat, drink, and sleep stupid. And every word that comes out of your mouth is stupid. 

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