Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Backes, I have already completely determined what happened, and I did it to scale, meaning Mary Moorman's scale: her height, her distance, etc.

And the most crucial and important factor was her angle. I showed that if Mary, as the photographer, had been standing perpendicular to Elm Street, she could have captured his right arm before his left.

That was all I could get of the right arm alone, and it's not as much as we see here:

But, with the proper turn to the left, creating the diagonal to Elm Street, there was no such thing at all.

Notice that that background is the same as the Moorman photo. The other one (with the lone right arm capture) was very different from the Moorman photo.

So, it was the photographer's eccentricity, her diagonal angularity that made this impossible:

Now, what about in the pictures you found? What as the angle?

Yes, I note that it was shot from the left side of the officers, but the photographer wasn't turned left. In fact, at that moment she was turned right. So, it was the opposite angle to the Moorman photo, which had the reverse effect.

What exactly are you claiming to see there, Backes?

Exactly how are you reading that, Backes? And imagine your reaction if I put it up. 

Here's the next one:


I'll cipher it according to my eyes:

Isn't that the start of his left hand at the bottom? And even if you think not, it's definitely something. It's an object. Compare to the Moorman photo.

And after that, the left arm was cropped out by the elevation of the camera by the taller photographer.

And what about all your usual shit? 

Were they filmed from the exact same location? NO
Were they filmed with the same camera? NO
The same film? NO
Same lens? NO
Same camera settings? NO
Was the distance between the photographer and the subject being photographed the same? NO

Your mind is just a complete blank, Backes. You just stumble through your own contradictions, too stupid to realize what an irrational, nonsensical contradictory blowhard you are. 

Now, let's go back to the beginning. Did you just get a hankering to watch the 40th anniversary edition of the WFAA Special, JFK: The Story Behind the Story? (a horrible title, by the way)

Because I don't think so, Backes. I think somebody else sent that to you, and you posted it, just as with the pictures of my house. 

So, who sent it to you, Backes? Who are you working with?

Well, you be sure to tell him that he's as big an idiot as you are.

You, him, Unger, bpete, Upperpunk... you need a bigger team. But it doesn't matter. That's because I can...

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