Monday, September 14, 2015

I would like to respond further to something Brandus said about Oswald, that he was hostile and harassing at work. 

No one at the TSBD described him that way. Many employees said that he was quiet, that he didn't say much, that he kept to himself, etc., but no one said that he was hostile or harassing.

Recall from your experience that hostile guys usually tend to be bigger guys. How often do guys this size go around being hostile?

Again, no one in Russia described Oswald as having an aggressive, hostile personality. There are tapes of him in Russia reading Shakespeare aloud, and he was known to read the Russian classics- in Russian. 

And even stateside, we have someone who knew Oswald very well, Palmer McBride. And he described Oswald as being gentle and reserved- the exact opposite of what's been alleged. 

I suggest that the whole idea of Oswald being an antagonistic person is completely made up; it is a complete fiction. For instance, the idea that he went around at work frequently shooting people with his fingers and saying "Pow" and doing it with a straight face, a serious countenance- you'd have to be insane. 

People are who they are, so if he was doing that in New Orleans, why wasn't he doing it in Dallas? And why wasn't he doing it in Russia?

It's all just story-crafting and myth-making. It was part or the whole demonization of Oswald, that's all. 

Remember during the first Gulf War, that they told us that Saddam Hussien raided the hospitals in Kuwait, dumped the babies out of the incubators- leaving them to die- in order to send the incubators up to Baghdad for Iraqi babies. Totally made up! Fiction! A Madison Avenue advertising agency was hired to write that kind of stuff. I'm saying the exact same kind of thing happened with Oswald. 

And you can include in that the tall tale that at the firing range he was shooting diagonally at other people's targets. I've been going to firing ranges since I went with my father as a boy. If you've been to one you know, that people are respectful; they speak in low voices; they act maturely; there is no rabble-rousing. Not at the firing range. Not when everyone is holding a lethal weapon. There is a firing range decorum that everyone respects. And the idea that Oswald would have done such an outrageous thing is preposterous. 

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