Tuesday, September 15, 2015

It is fairly well agreed in the field of Psychology that personality is set. It is what it is. It's not that it doesn't change at all, but it doesn't usually change much. The factors that can make it change are: 

1) illness, particularly mental illness
2) trauma, such as a tragic loss of a loved one; another good example is PTSD, where the trauma of war causes personality changes in soldiers 
3) the senility of old age. For instance, Alzheimer's patients can undergo major personality changes.  

But, I know of nothing in Oswald's life that can be said to have caused his personality to change.  And, the burden of proof isn't on me; it's on those who say it did. 

So, what was his personality like? First, we can't go by anything the major post-assassination figures said. Forget it. Robert Oswald? He wasn't even Oswald's real brother, and he was involved in the plot up to his neck. Nothing he said about Oswald- then or later - can be counted on as being true. Marguerite Oswald? She wasn't even his mother, and she said very little about him anyway. She really wasn't interested. When did she ever talk about his personality? Marina? Well, you would think his wife would know. 

But, Marina got caught up in the whole whirlwind of her post-assassination fame and the lure of the money, the sympathy, and the acceptance that was being offered to her in exchange for depicting Oswald the way they wanted. 

She told stories: of Oswald trying to kill Walker, of Oswald wanting to kill Nixon, of Oswald want her to help him hijack a plane to Cuba. But, we have her intimate correspondence to Ruth Paine in the months before the assassination, full of complaints about Oswald- including that he didn't make love to her enough- but she never mentioned any of those things.

So forget those people- all of them. 

We are going to have to go back to Russia to get an accurate description of Oswald's personality. You can find them, both written and on video, of people talking about the Oswald they knew in Minsk. I've read and watched quite a few. 

It's interesting that some reported the same personality trait that the TSBD workers observed, which is that he could be withdrawn and introverted- at times. But, most thought he was intelligent and had diverse interests. 

This is Inessa Yakhliel. 

She knew Oswald. She went to classical music concerts with him, which he enjoyed. She also knew Marina before she married Oswald, and she knew them together as a couple. And this is what she said about him. She said it in Russian, but this is the translation:

"Whatever they write about him, that he was a psychopath, a hot-tempered and threatening person, absolutely none of it is true. I knew him to be an absolutely different person, a family person. I liked him. I don't agree with anything that has been written about him."

"One day he was at our house, and the television was on showing a meeting between Khrushchev and Kennedy. And he spoke about Kennedy very sympathetically. He said he was the only sensible President. Those were his words." 

"None of us, none of his friends here believed it. Not everyone knew him as well as I did. They may have known Marina better, but I came to know Alec very well, and I simply can't believe it." 

(Note: Oswald went by the name Alec in Russia.)

They framed Oswald, but to do it, they had to give him a whole different personality. And, it sounds like it was completely antithetical to his real personality. 

They killed Kennedy; they framed Oswald; and they have been sticking it us for 52 years, and I mean working us, playing us, and conning us. What I mean is that WE -not Kennedy, not Oswald, but WE- have been the marks in this Big Sting. That's what this is. We're just rats in a cage to them, and with their lies, they have been playing us for 52 years. Not any more.     


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