Saturday, September 12, 2015

Oswald did NOT go to Mexico City. It is all a lie.

I had the privilege and the pleasure of speaking to Mark Lane once on the phone. I had called the American Free Press looking to speak to him. I explained that I wanted to invite him to become a senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign. They said he wasn't there, but that they would tell him and give him my number, and then it would be up to him to call me back.

And he did call me back. We talked for about 15 minutes. Of course, he agreed to become a senior member, and he was very warm and kind to me. And one of the things he told me was that Oswald never went to Mexico City. He said he gave a lecture once at UCLA in which he said that. David Atlee Philips was in the audience, and afterwards, he went up to Mark Lane and admitted to him that he knew that Oswald never went to Mexico City.

There are no images of Oswald from Mexico City even though the CIA was tailing him the whole time he was there. And not only are there no images of him, but there are multiple images of Oswald doubles.

The images of those three men, who were all supposedly Lee Harvey Oswald, are part of the official evidence in the case. They were submitted as evidence during the HSCA. 

Now, you know that none of them were Oswald. But, think about it means that there were Oswald doubles. This was before the assassination, and they had people masquerading as Lee Harvey Oswald. What does that tell you? It should tell you that Oswald was being set up even before he went to the Texas Book Depository.

Let's be crystal: you can't have Oswald being impersonated and also killing Kennedy. There is no "innocent" way to couch the impersonations. If he was being impersonated, he was being framed. The very existence of those photos above exonerates him.
What I mean is that the very existence of those photos destroys the whole lone nut hypothesis, and it would be enough to acquit him at trial. 

Oswald denied going to Mexico City. Now, if you are an Oswald supporter, meaning that you know he was telling the truth when he said that he didn't kill Kennedy or Tippit, then why would he lie about something as innocuous as a trip to Mexico? It is not alleged that Oswald committed any crimes in Mexico City. And as unsavory as it might seem for him to go to the Cuban and Russian embassies seeking visas, it was absolutely nothing compared to killing the President of the United States.

Oswald had to know that if he lied about not going to Mexico City, it would make it look like he was lying about not killing Kennedy. And if he actually went there, then he knew he stayed somewhere and ate somewhere and did some things and talked to some people and was seen by some people, and he would have to know that it would be very easy to establish that. So, if he actually went there, it would be futile to lie about it. The odds of it backfiring were very great- to the point of near certainty. Really, it would be pointless to lie about it. So, why do it? In this case, Oswald's denial that he went to Mexico City carries an awful lot of weight. 

The fact that the woman whom Oswald dealt with at the Cuban Embassy, Sylvia Duran, said that she had a torrid affair with him but then categorically denied it was with the Oswald of fame is more evidence of impersonation and fabrication. 

Considering how many Oswald doubles they had there, all testimonies about Oswald sightings in Mexico City are worthless. And in light of that, extremely solid evidence of him being there is necessary to go any further with the claim. Even an image of him from there would have to be evaluated for authenticity. But, it's a moot question because there are NO images of Oswald from Mexico City. And the very lack of them is extremely damaging to the claim. 

But what else could prove it besides a genuine photograph? Oswald admitting it and providing reference information that he could only know from being there would do it, but it's not the case. If he returned with objects from Mexico which he admitted getting there- that would do it. Again, not the case. 

There is only the lip-flapping of dubious witnesses and the image-less claims of the CIA, and all of it amounts to nothing. 

Mark Lane is right: Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
John Armstrong is right: Oswald didn't go to Mexico City. 

Oswald never went to Mexico City. And I need to say it several different ways- for the sake of search engines.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.
Did Oswald go to Mexico City? No, he did not.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never happened.
Oswald's trip to Mexico City never occurred. 
Oswald's trip to Mexico City is a lie. 
The government made up Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The government concocted Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
The phony claim of Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
Oswald did not go to Mexico City.

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