Friday, September 11, 2015

So, Hondo posts a sites called James Files Fraud dot com which trashes James Files and Wim Dankbaar. 

But, lo and behold, the guy doing it doesn't identify himself. He's just another incognito JFK hitman- like Hondo himself. 

But, we do know something about the guy:  

It's because NO ONE takes them seriously except for other conspiracy nuts.

Conspiracy nuts? That tells us all we need to know about him. 

But, I want you to notice something. He doesn't have a site trashing those that claim that the driver shot Kennedy. The dis-info Ops know who the real threats are, and that's who they go after. 

I have always given credence to James Files because his narrative rings true, and I am very proud to be aligned with Wim Dankbaar. 

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