Sunday, September 13, 2015

There is an article by Paul Brandus, a political journalist, that was written for the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, and it's purpose was to trash the JFK conspiracy movement.

This is propaganda by the textbook. This is Pravda level propaganda, and it is quite amazing how bad it is.

It starts with the misconception- the outright lie- that the JFK conspiracy movement is based on Oswald being guilty.  Oswald did it, but he wasn't the "lone" gunman, that there were others. That's his take. OR, that Oswald did it it alone, but others put him up to it. Either way, it's a travesty. 

Probably 99% or more of JFK conspiracy advocates maintain Oswald's complete innocence. And every single one of the great and leading books on JFK conspiracy advocate Oswald's complete innocence. So how dare this guy couch the whole debate in false terms? 

So, Brandus lied out of the gate. He sidestepped the real debate. He sidestepped the whole debate. He is pretending that Mark Lane, Jim Marrs, Jim Douglass, Vincent Salandria, and other great JFK writers don't exist or that he's never heard of them. 

So, Brandus just presumed Oswald's guilt- as if he had the right to, and it's equivalent to stacking the deck to cheat at cards.   

But, he certainly knew how to paint an awful picture of Oswald, and I mean from before assassination.  Repeatedly, he said that Oswald got fired over and over from menial jobs, and it was because he was smug, anti-social, and downright hostile at work- all the time. 

Oh really?  Then, how come none of the many people he knew and worked with in Russia in the three years that he lived there described him that way? He seemed to be well liked over there. And how come Buell Frazier has always said that Oswald was a nice man and someone that he liked and considered a friend? You can ask him today if you want. 

But, that was nothing compared to this next thing: Oswald beat his wife; his pregnant wife; he beat her regularly. 

Brandus said it several times. I guess he wanted to get all the mileage he could out of it. 

I have already pointed out that Marina's Warren Commission testimony about this seems tepid and forced. In one instance, she denied that Oswald beat her. Then, Attorney Belin tried to pressure her by saying, "didn't you tell so-and-so that he beat you?" And Marina said no, that that woman must be mistaken. 

Obviously, I can't tell you whether Oswald ever struck his wife because I don't know. But, what I can tell you is this: 

We have correspondence between Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine in the months before the assassination, and I mean going both ways. And it was a time when Marina considered Ruth her best and closest friend and confidante in the world. She said so in the letters. And the letters were very personal and revealing. And she complained about Oswald aplenty. But, she never accused him of beating her. And in her responses, Ruth never referred to any such beatings. Wouldn't she have responded to it if Marina had told her that Lee was beating her? Who wouldn't? That carries a lot of weight with me. It casts a lot of doubt on the claims of Oswald beating Marina.

I have read the letters from Marina to Ruth, but I can't find the link to them now. But, here is a link to two letters in response from Ruth to Marina, with no mention of any beatings. And get this: she invites Marina to come and live with her, offering her not only free room and board, but she offers to pay her doctor and medical expenses- all supposedly so that she could learn Russian.

Did Oswald get physically rough with Marina at all? Again, I don't know. But, if he did, I have a feeling that it got blown way, way, way out of proportion, rather like the size of Frazier's bag, which is to say, Oswald's bag.

Then, Brandus cited the shooting attempt against Walker, and I have previously posted this excellent presentation on why that whole charge is completely bogus and rife with fraud:

Fortunately, that site tops the search engines when you do a search for "Did Oswald shoot at General Walker?" But, Brandus acts like it is an undisputed certainty that Oswald shot at Walker.

Then, Brandus cited Oswald's alleged plan to shoot Nixon in April 1963 in Dallas. Brandus is apparently unaware that Nixon was not in Dallas in April 1963. LBJ was, but not Nixon, and Marina insisted that it definitely wasn't Johnson but Nixon. She said she never knew or heard the name Johnson until after the assassination. 

Then, according to Brandus, Oswald asked Marina to help him hijack a plane to Cuba. Help him? How? What was she supposed to do? Hold a gun in one hand and her little girl's hand in the other? Perhaps Oswald was going to get her a box-cutter. That story is so ridiculous, why any mature adult believes it is a mystery to me. And again, there was no mention of it in Marina's letters to Ruth or in Ruth's responses. 

Then, Brandus said that a series of "miracles" landed Oswald his job at the Texas Book Depository, and I can't say I disagree. First, it turned out that the building was owned by David Byrd, the founder and mentor of the Civil Air Patrol, to which Oswald belonged as a youth. Small world isn't it? The circle of life is amazing. Then, there's the fact that the company only moved into that building that very summer. Not sure why because it was much bigger than what they needed. Plus, the floors were wet from a previous meat packer tenant, which was ruinous to the books. So, why did they do it? I don't know. You think maybe to kill Kennedy? 

It sure seems odd to me that the woman who offered to support Marina and her children, including pay her medical expenses, should be the one to find Oswald a job. Ruth desperately wanted Marina to live with her, and she was willing to pay the freight. But, if Oswald got a job and had an income, he was likely to beg Marina to move back in with him. So, why should Ruth Paine help him? But, she, reportedly, not only found him the job; she called Roy Truly and made Oswald an appointment for an interview, all without even speaking to him. So, I say it wasn't so much a miracle as it was a set-up.

Paul Brandus is nothing but a shill for the fascist state. There isn't one thing he said that wasn't biased, unsubstantiated, or flat-out wrong. Oswald did not kill Kennedy; he was standing in the doorway at the time.  

You could say that a vast right-wing conspiracy killed Kennedy, and they kill him again and again with each passing day through mouthpieces like Brandus. But, there will be a reckoning someday. The truth is rising, and the truth will prevail.   




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