Sunday, September 13, 2015

You know, Hondo, Roy Lewis is still alive. He lives in Dallas. So, we may be able to find out exactly what he meant by this statement:

It says that at 12:25, which was 5 minutes before the motorcade arrived, Roy was standing on the "inside of the front entrance of the Depository." So, what are you presuming from that? That Roy was behind Oswald at 12:30? 

Like everyone else, Roy was there to watch the motorcade, so why would he stay inside the building? Surely by 12:30, he went outside. How much could he see from inside? Why not go outside?

All this amounts to is: word-parsing. Hondo is playing Roy's phrasing like a card, interpreting it to his advantage. It's just a pointless, meaningless exercise in disinformation.

And the difference between the two Wiegman Doormen wasn't 1 second; it was 4.

And they may have removed frames from the Wiegman film, as they did from the Zapruder film, so the spread in time may have been greater than 4 seconds. 

Why would Oswald, Lovelady or anyone else go from looking at Kennedy to staring straight ahead like a zombie? They added that second Doorman to the Wiegman film. He wasn't Oswald; he wasn't Lovelady, and he wasn't there. 

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