Sunday, July 4, 2021

 A Larry Blong is questioning and dismissing the Jack Ruby innocence claim on specious grounds. He mistakenly thinks his wisecracks are smart, but now, I'm going to show you why they're stupid.  

Larry Blong

Ralph Cinque too far out. Everyone immediately jumped on the shooter there was no real killer how could he disappear in front of everybody’s eyes everyone jumped on the man with the gun and that was Ruby. I’m a big conspiracy guy but this one’s impossible.

First, there was no real shooter. The whole thing was a ruse. It was made for television theater. Second, the "everyone" who jumped on the shooter was the Dallas Police, and they were all in on it. And it's obvious they were all in on it. If it were real, then surely they would have handcuffed the shooter in the garage. Since when do police drag a violent offender off somewhere without first handcuffing him? Never! Never before and never after. Third, how did they all know to drag the shooter through the tiny door in the corner? There were big, wide double doors right behind them. So, why not use them? And how could they all know what to do without direction? It's not as though anyone shouted out, "Let's drag him through the corner door!" They all just did it spontaneously. How did they know what to do? They knew because it was all worked out in advance. 

This is an image of what I call the penguins. That's what they remind me of. What they were really doing is covering up Bookhout. If you watch the films, you'll see that what he does after the shooting, which is dive into the swarm of police. Then, without hurting him, they dance him to the corner and through the small door without saying a word. And, it's a very manipulated image. Look at the size of that guy in the middle there. He was Detective Thomas McMillan, and he was actually a skinny guy. That's him on the right. The way he appears in the swarm is impossible, and I mean anatomically impossible. Look how small his head is compared to his body. All of this was designed to create a wall of cover around the shooter to make sure we can't see him. Why? Because he was James Bookhout. 

Now, I don't say all the reporters were in on it.  I don't know that any of them were in on it. They were all hookwinked just like everyone watching from home. But, it's very significant that not a single reporter claimed to recognize Ruby in the garage. They came to believe he was Ruby afterwards- the same way everyone else did: from the police announcing it. 

This was a joint operation of the Dallas Police and the FBI. It's very likely that LBJ marshalled the Dallas Police  directly. We know that his people, such as Cliff Carter, were on the phone with Fritz numerous times that weekend.  It's possible and likely that LBJ himself got on the phone with them. He knew two of the Dallas police detectives very well because he would hire them as bodyguards whenever he came to Dallas. I am referring to Elmer Boyd and Richard Sims, who were both Oswald's escorts. 

And as for the FBI, let's remember whose FBI it was: J. Edgar Hoover's, who was arguably the most corrupt and criminal government official ever. Hoover's FBI was a rogue, criminal organization that operated outside the law. Hoover had no respect for the law, and he had nothing but contempt for people, that is, the public.  They just had to be played in his book; and he played them. 

And let's remember how close Johnson and Hoover were.  They were neighbors in Washington. They lived right next door to each other. Johnson saw to that. His daughters called Hoover "Uncle Edgar." And soon after the assassination, Johnson made Hoover FBI Director for life, in violation of the law. Johnson and Hoover were partners in crime- the crime of killing John Kennedy- and more.    

Jack Ruby really was innocent, and guys like Blong, whether they are trolls or idiots, can spew glib reasons why my assertions are farfetched and ridiculous, but I never have any trouble showing that they are the ones being farfetched and ridiculous- and I always will and in as big a way as I can. 

Jack Ruby did not shoot Lee Harvey Oswald, but he, unfortunately, was too deranged to realize that he didn't. He was too weak mentally to stand up to them. What about you? Are you strong enough mentally to stand up to them? 


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