Saturday, July 31, 2021

Douglas Horne, who is renowned for his JFK research, and whose involvement with the ARRB could result in a dramatic screenplay, has had other interests in his life, and one of them is World War II. He has just completed what is being called the definitive work on US entrance into WW2, the events that led up to it. It's called: 

The McCollum Memorandum: A Story of Washington, D.C. in 1940-41: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Journey from Deterrence to Provocation on the Road to Pearl Harbor

I have ordered Doug's book because World War 2 has become a focused interest of mine, and my realizations about it have rattled me deeply.  And when I finish reading Doug's book, I am going to write an in-depth review of it here. 

Two things are crystal-clear and undeniable now: that the Allies provoked WW2, both in Europe and in the Pacific, and the crimes of the Allies in targeting civilians in Germany and Japan, the abominable treatment of German POWs after the war, and the mass rape of German women, particularly by the Soviets, are on par with the atrocities for which the Germans are accused, and it makes me wonder because the best way to cover up your own atrocities is to accuse your defeated enemy of worse ones. 

Regardless of what you believe about the Holocaust, it should be apparent that all pretenses of WW2 being a "good war" have been blown asunder. That idea, that World War II, unlike Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., was a "good war," one that was thrust upon us and had to be fought, in which we were the unequivocal, undisputed good guys, is the single biggest, ugliest, and most grotesque lie that has ever been told in human history. World War II was not only not a good war, it was the most evil war ever waged, and I mean by the Allies. And that means that there have been no good wars because Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. certainly weren't good. It means that the entire moral posturing of U.S. militarism as being righteous and decent and good is a complete lie.  

And since the lies about World War 1 are just as egregious as those about World War 2, and since the Allies were just as villainous; just as responsible for starting that war, as laid out by Docherty and MacGregor in Hidden History:

... it means that the official history of the 20th century is one big lie, and the whole claim about the Western democracies being the saviors of the world in the 20th century is one big lie. Of course, one of those saviors was the evil Soviet Union, and be aware that, to this day, Russia joins with the West in lying about World War 2.     

I wrote the following piece about WW2 because the shattering of my illusions and delusions about WW2 actually affected me more emotionally than the shattering of my illusions and delusions about JFK and 9/11. 

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