Monday, July 12, 2021


This man was the longest running top general in Afghanistan, but he took command in August 2018. So, that's a little less than 3 years in a 20 year war. So, what was the average length of command? I don't know, but if it was 2 years, then that means they rifled through 10 top commanders, and that is pretty darn outlandish when you think about it. If it was a corporation that changed its CEO that often, you would have serious doubts about the state of the company. 

But, the Afghanistan War has been waged and reported in sea of delusion. First, there wasn't a speck of evidence that the Taliban was involved in 9/11 or that they were knowingly allowing terrorists to operate from Afghanistan to attack other countries. And not only is there no evidence that they were aware that Osama bin laden was doing that, there is no evidence that he was doing it. The only evidence ever put forward is the ridiculous Fatty bin laden video, which is so obviously not him.  

And it's plain as day that we are well aware that the Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11. Because: if we thought they did, we never would have started negotiating with them to return them to power on any basis. 

And consider the total illegality of our invasion of Afghanistan. It was justified by their refusal to extradite bin laden, but we did not have an extradition treaty with them. So far, the UK government, with whom we do have an extradition treaty, has refused to extradite Julian Assange. And don't take that as an endorsement of the UK because they've been monsters too. But, the point is that international law does not allow one country to attack another over extradition, and especially not if no extradition treaty exists. Plus, the Taliban offered to extradite bin laden to a 3rd neutral country to whom we could have presented our evidence. What would have been so terrible about that? Wouldn't it have been better than having a war? How many men, women, and children did we kill waging the war? And none of them, not even any of the men, had anything to do with 9/11.  

We lost the war in Afghanistan, just as we lost the war in Vietnam, although few pundits are admitting it. But, the fact is, that not only did we lose the war, but we started the war, and we are responsible for all the death and destruction of that war. From the outset, it was a war of choice for us. We had to cross an ocean and two seas to launch it. The whole idea that a war was necessary to keep Americans safe is preposterous. It is insane. Yet, no one from government and media is admitting it. Instead, they are spinning it, claiming that we accomplished our mission.  The only thing we accomplished was the deaths and maimings of tens of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Afghans. And anyone who claims otherwise is completely out of touch with reality. 

There is a barrage of very explicit war crimes committed by the United States in Afghanistan, such as bombing 9 wedding parties, but the undeniable truth is that the entire war was a crime- from the very first bomb that was dropped. 

The disgrace of losing the war is nothing compared to the disgrace of having started it. 

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