Friday, September 13, 2013

There is a new kid on the block, "Lance Uppercut", and he's out to challenge Ralph Cinque.

He starts by saying that he believes Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT guilty of killing JFK.

Well, if he believes that, why does he think it's more important to go after Ralph Cinque than say, John McAdams, Vincent Bugliosi, and Gerald Posner, and others who say that Oswald was up on the 6th floor pumping bullets into Kennedy?

Apparently, the only difference between me and "Lance" is that I think Oswald was outside in the doorway during the shooting, whereas Lance thinks that he was in the lunch room (doing what? he'd already eaten, and he didn't have a Coke when Baker and Truly arrived) or the domino room (no, Oswald said he was there when Junior Jarmon and Harold Norman were milling around but that was well before 12:30) or elsewhere in the building but nowhere near the 6th floor.

So, why is Lance more riled about combating me than the people who falsely peg Oswald as killer?

It's because that's what these "Ops" do. They pretend to be CTs so that they can attract CTs.

After all, they don't need to attract lone-nutters. That would be like singing to the choir. Anyone who believes the Warren Report obviously could NOT think that Oswald was in the doorway during the shooting. The only ones who could possibly be swayed by Ralph Cinque are people who think Oswald was innocent, ie, CTs.

So, since he is targeting CTs with his disinformation, it makes sense to PRETEND to be one.

Government agents do this all the time; they infiltrate. They're doing it in the patriot movement, the militia movement, the tea party movement, the 9/11 truth movement, and they are certainly doing it in the JFK truth movement. And so, they have to pretend to be CTs.

Well, I, for one, welcome Lance because he is not going to fare any better than the others, and he is just going to bring more attention to my work.

These idiots don't realize that the best way to oppose me is just to ignore me. But, they would rather advertise for me, and that's fine with me.

So, welcome to the fray, Lance. I'm glad you will be giving me more fodder to work with. And by all means, encourage others to do likewise. Let's get the Internet swarming with anti-Ralph Cinque sites.

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