Tuesday, September 15, 2015

He did, Robin. He told Fritz that he was "out with Bill Shelley in front."

How would he know that Shelley was out there unless he was out there himself? He wouldn't just assume it. 

And think about the meaning of the words. He said he was "with" Shelley. That's "with" as in near, close to, and practically, if not, rubbing shoulders. And, it has the definite implication that "you can ask Shelley; he'll confirm it."

Of course, Shelley did NOT confirm it, but there's this thing that people do called lying. Shelley lied.

But Oswald definitely EXPECTED Shelley to confirm it. And Oswald definitely meant DURING the motorcade and not three or four minutes afterwards. It is absurd and preposterous to claim otherwise. Shelley wasn't out there three or four minutes afterwards. By then, he and Lovelady were guarding the freight elevator, on order of Roy Truly, and that was after going to the railroad track and coming in through the back door. There is NO CHANCE that Shelley was still out front when Oswald left. 

There is also no chance that Fritz wanted to know where he was three or four minutes after the assassination rather than during. There was no crime being committed three or four minutes after the assassination. So, what difference does it make?

Why didn't Oswald tell reporters that he was standing in the doorway? He didn't know that his picture was taken there. The fact is: he told police and FBI. 

And what's really significant is: why didn't the FBI ask him about the photo? They asked Lovelady. They were intensely interested in asking Lovelady about it. So, why didn't they ask Oswald about it the same time they asked Lovelady? That was possible because Oswald was still alive and well. It is extremely incriminating against the FBI that they didn't ask him. And we know why they didn't ask him. It's because they knew what he would say. 

"Of course, that's me. Don't you recognize my shirt?" 

You think it was possible that that there was that much likeness between Oswald and Lovelady? What, are you a child? Do you think it's a cartoon world we live in? 

    It's Oswald, Robin. Not maybe. Not could be. It's him.

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