Monday, September 14, 2015

If someone at a firing range started shooting diagonally at the targets of strangers, it would be perceived as an emergency. It would be seen not just as anti-social and disruptive, but as threatening. 

I mean threatening as in life-threatening. 

And here's what would happen: the range master would take immediate action, demanding that the shooter lower his weapon- if not already done so. The range master would then supervise the unloading of the weapon- or do it himself. It would be very police-like. And it's no accident that these range masters tend to be big, sturdy guys, often ex-military. They're also no-nonsense guys- with zero tolerance for horseplay. 

And only after that- when the threat was neutralized- would the range master ask him what the hell he was doing. Being banished from the range would be an absolute certainty, but there is also a good chance that a police report would come out of it. Today? Forget about it. There would definitely be a police report. It would definitely be recorded as an "incident" on the range.   

There are places where people can horse around. A shooting range is not one of them; and everybody knows it. 

At a shooting range, there is calm; there is order; there is courtesy. People are very polite to one another. It is not OK to show up at a shooting range exhibiting a bad mood. Even that would not be tolerated. And there are no outbursts of any kind- except the burst of gunfire. 

Whoever made up the story about Oswald shooting diagonally at other people's targets at the shooting range apparently did not realize the gravity of such behavior and how intolerable it would be. Maybe they had an Oswald double actually do it, but then again, maybe they just made the whole story up and got somebody to lie.

The idea that Oswald- the Oswald  that we know- did that is preposterous.  Nobody  at the TSBD described Oswald as being the least bit confrontational or antagonistic. Shooting at someone else's target is an offensive action; it is extremely confrontational and antagonistic. It is inconceivable that the Lee Harvey Oswald of fame did that or would have done it- under any circumstances.  

The liars who made up that awful lie didn't think about its lack of credibility. They were childish and immature and really, just plain stupid. And the same goes for anyone in 2015 who believes it. 



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