Friday, September 11, 2015

I am extremely pleased to announce that Wim Dankbaar has joined the Oswald Innocence Campaign. 

 Wim is from the Netherlands, and he is a very successful entrepreneur. He is the founder of several major international companies, one of which became Photo-Me, the world's largest dispenser of photo booths.  

Wim began studying the JFK assassination, in earnest, in 1988, and he has never let up. He is the owner of the leading JFK site: which is one of the most highly read on the net. 

Wim has financed private investigations into the murder of JFK which have led him to staunchly support the claims of James Files as being the Grassy Knoll shooter. He also names the Three Tramps as Chauncey Holt, Charles Harrelson, and Charles Rogers. Wim details the close association between the Mafia and the CIA to get Kennedy killed, while framing Oswald for it.

Wim's prominence in the field of JFK assassination research has earned him a listing on Spartacus Educational, which you can see here:

We are extremely honored to have Wim Dankbaar join the OIC, and we see it as a major advance in the cause of Oswald innocence and JFK truth. 

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