Friday, September 11, 2015

Backes... what a combination of wicked corruption and utter stupidity he is.

He says I provided no source for the 1950s Polaroids. I provided a link where the photos are being offered for sale precisely because they are from the 1950s. It says: 1950s.

That's certified for sale to be a 1950s Polaroid, yet Backes says I'm comparing a Model T to a modern Ford Focus. 

He keeps playing the motion card, even though it is well established that at that instant, the limo had come to a near-stop if not a total stop.

He says that Mary wasn't trying to shoot BJ Martin, as if that explains the clam-hand. 

"Mary Moorman was not in Dealey Plaza to take photographs of B. J. Martin's hand.  So, how could it possibly be an objective comparison to a photographer who was definitely taking a photograph of a specific person posed for the camera for a specific photograph of that one person?"

What difference does it make, Backes? You're just spewing bile.

Backes, this below is a 1950s Polaroid, and it completely destroys your argument about the 1970s and 80s.

It's from the 1950s, Backes. I said: the 1950s. What the hell more do you need to shut the fuck up???????????

Backes, you are truly evil, and you will NEVER speak at a JFK conference again. I've already talked to the people who hold them. I've sent them samples of your viciousness. They know what this has escalated to, and they don't want to be part of it. They don't want to be associated with it. They don't want to get in the middle of it. You are NEVER going to speak at a JFK conference again. 

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