Sunday, September 13, 2015

It cracks me up that Robin Unger posts this frame from the Wiegman film, which is of the doorway. Talk about distortion! Oswald looks like E.T.

But, here is the Wiegman doorway again from Robin Unger, and by this time Oswald was gone, and they put in a Lovelady figure, whom no one would mistake for Oswald. Him they wanted us to see.

There is no distortion in this image at all. Note that the Doorman is totally detached from the scene. He is totally disconnected from the others and from what is going on around him. 

So, what's he doing? Backes said he had "begun the mourning process for Kennedy." Idiot. 

A few seconds earlier, when it was Oswald there, he was looking down the hill at Kennedy- just like the others. 

Here's the toggle: Oswald had split, so they had replace him.

The whole reason why Dave Wiegman panned the doorway a second time was probably because of a commotion he heard or saw through the corner of his eye relating to Oswald leaving.

But this other guy, whom they put in there, to replace Oswald who left for the lunch room, looks stiff and wooden, like he is in some kind of trance. He reminds me of a certain figure that is often seen in cigar stores. 

And I post that with no disrespect for the great Native American people, who were victims of the worst human genocide the world has ever known. 

But, it's all one film, Robin, and these were taken within seconds. So, why the difference in quality?

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