Saturday, September 12, 2015

Press TV is an Iranian television news channel, and they covered the 9/11 commemoration in the US, which took place yesterday. The first part of it seemed like any other coverage that you would find here. But then, the female broadcaster brought Dr. Kevin Barrett on, a leading 9/11 truther. And the first thing she asked him was: "What effect would a real 9/11 investigation have?"

And Dr. Barrett gave this very astute answer:

"A real investigation of 9/11 would destabilize the entire United States political system- possibly beyond repair. It could even lead to a civil war. The truth about 9/11 is so horrific that if the American people were to actually learn that truth, they would completely lose confidence in the (US) system. The fact is that a faction within the US government, the neoconservative faction, orchestrated the events of September 11, 2001 as a new Pearl Harbor, designed to launch their agenda of war, world domination, and a rollback of freedoms in the United States. "

"The United States economy has been destroyed by this event and the wars that the event triggered. We have spent trillions and trillions of dollars to destroy Middle Eastern countries. The infrastructure here is falling apart. Actually, the United States has been ruined. It's Constitution has been shredded; it's economy has been destroyed; and all in the name in a totally bogus War on Terror which started with an inside job on September 11, 2001." 

I very much agree with what Dr. Barrett said. But, I suspect that the way a civil war could possibly happen is the same way it happened the first time: with one or more states dropping out of the Union- seceding- and the federal government trying to use force to stop it. That's trying to use force as in trying to make a claim.

But, I hope they wouldn't be stupid enough to invade Texas. If they did, it would only show that they don't understand the culture here. Texans wouldn't go for that, and they wouldn't take it lying down. There are 5 guns for every person in this state, which means that somebody has got 2 of mine.   

And if the FBI is reading this, no, I am not calling for revolution, and I am not involved with anyone who is. 

But, the main reason I put this up about Dr. Barrett is because what he said about the outcome of a real 9/11 investigation could just as easily be said about the outcome of a real JFK investigation. If it became widely known that elements within the national security structure of the United States government murdered Kennedy and framed Oswald, and with the help of the US media, have been lying about it for 52 years, what would that do for respect for the institutions here? And I mean institutions of government, media, education, and even the corporate world because they've all supported the official lie. We essentially have a fascist system in this country- in case you don't know it. For sure, the whole system would totter, and it might even collapse. There are plenty of people today predicting  an economic collapse without any help from 9/11 truth or JFK truth. But either or both of those becoming widely known would certainly propel such a collapse. They would be gamechangers, the likes of which we have never seen.

And that explains why in 2015, 52 years after the JFK assassination, they are still working the cover-up hard, and committing crimes against those who pose the greatest threat to the official story.  

The big question is: will they kill again to smother JFK truth? That they would is something I certainly don't doubt- not for a New York second.  And I live with the awareness of the risk: constantly.        


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