Thursday, September 17, 2015

No, Upperpunk. They're not the same. Look at the face of the pedestal.

That is flush. We are seeing none of the west face of the pedestal. It is completely out of view. All we're seeing is the south face of it. We're seeing it straight on. 

But, in the Moorman photo, we are seeing two sides of the pedestal.

On the left, we're getting a view of the west face, but we're sure not getting any view of it on the right. 

And it was impossible to perform the test with the bike from Babushka's position because this is where the bike was when Babushka took her picture:

The above frame was taken by Marie Muchmore, but if you look at the plat, you can see that her angle of view was very similar to Babushka Lady's. That's the moment of the Moorman photo, and you can tell that from the way the Kennedys are configured.

So, getting back to this frame below, how can you test whether Babushka Lady caught just the right arm of BJ Martin?

Look where he is in relation to BL. So, how can you test for this?

She obviously didn't capture that. What she caught was this:

That is what the "Moorman photo" (which was taken by Babushka Lady) must have originally looked like. 

And the PhD physicist fully agreed with that and proved it mathematically. 

Now, if you want to get a PhD physicist of your own to say otherwise, I'll listen. But, I don't give a flying flip what you think. I have no respect for you. You're just a paid Op who pretends to be an Oswald defender while never defending him. Your entire career as a JFK researcher is devoted to thwarting me- but you have never done it. You have lost every battle, including this one.

Listen up, Punk: Babushka Lady took the Moorman photo. I'm not suggesting it. I'm telling you that, whether you like it or not, that's what happened. And a man who is infinitely smarter than you are has proven it. And I am not referring to myself, although I have also proven it. 

It was taken at a diagonal angle that Mary never stood. So, how could she possibly have taken it? Even at this late time, which was well after the Moorman photo, Mary is still standing perpendicular to Elm Street:

Mary never turned, Upperpunk. You hear me? Mary never turned. She could not possibly have taken the Moorman photo. 

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