Wednesday, September 16, 2015

No, Backes. There is nothing legitimate about this image. It does not hold up when being compared to genuine images.

Even shooting perpendicularly, where the right arm got seen by the camera before the left, it was a small window.

 That's less right arm than we see in the Moorman photo, but already the left hand came into view. Look at the difference.

You could never capture that long right arm alone as seen in the Moorman photo. It is fake. It is screaming out loud fake. 

Look at your own image of Martin, which was taken from the same angle as the Moorman photo:

With the photographer turned left like that, it was left arm all the way for the image. There is no way that as Martin entered that camera field that his right arm led- not with a left diagonal angle of view. It was left in that case, and it was left in the Moorman photo. 

This image doesn't help you, you stupid fool. You're just too stupid to know it.

Backes, I have a PhD physicist backing up what I'm saying. And if you tried to get one, he would say the same thing that my physicist said. Of course, you don't have the brain cells to grasp the most fundamental principles of physics- you're an effffin' Neanderthal, and I say that with apologies to Neanderthals.

But, there is no doubt about this, and further testing would only confirm it. The Moorman photo was taken on a left diagonal angle. There is no doubt about that. You can't even capture the background the same way unless you turn left. It doesn't correspond.  And when you turn left as the photographer, you capture more of the left. There is no way that this could have been captured by a photographer in Mary Moorman's spot who was turned left:

You're stupid, Backes. You're as dense as a block of wood. They really needed somebody smarter- a lot of smarter. But, it'd have done them no good; it would still be futile. If they brought in Stephen Hawkings for pay, it would be futile. Of course, Stephen Hawkings would agree with my physics professor. 

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