Saturday, September 19, 2015

So, this is supposed to be George Hickey, but I am not OK with his freakishly big head. It does not correspond to his other images. Something is wrong with that image, and I don't accept it. 

But, let's put that aside for a moment. I want you to look at what he's doing. He is turned around. He is almost completely turned around, such that we are seeing the back of his head. Kennedy is going the other way. So, why is he looking that way?

Well, presumably, it's because he heard something that sounded like gunfire, and he's looking for the source of it. That's what the AP wrote on the caption for the Altgens photo, that Secret Service agents can be seen looking for the source of the shots. 

But, it doesn't make any sense. Even if he could see the source, he couldn't do anything about the source from that car. The only thing he can do is try to get Kennedy's driver to flee the scene. 

Let's say he heard what he thought could be gunfire, but he wasn't sure. Well, you don't wait until you're sure. The moment you get any indication of the possibility of gunfire- no matter how remote- you assume that it IS gunfire, and you act accordingly to defend the President by getting him the Hell out of there. 

So, what should he have done?  He should have yelled "Gunfire". Presumably, his driver, who was also a Secret Service agent, upon hearing that word, would have the immediate reaction to step on it and hit the horn to get Greer's attention. And then when Greer turned around OR looked back in his rear view mirror, he would hopefully see a swarm of Secret Service agents signalling him, pointing in a forward direction, showing alarm on their faces, as they yell, "Go!" And presumably, Greer would get the idea. He was, after all, a Secret Service agent himself. He wasn't just a driver. So how much of a hint did he need? Was he really that dense? Perhaps, he should be made a posthumous member of the Densa Club.  

Then, if Hickey really wanted to protect the President, he should have stood up as tall as he could in the back of the car and stretched out his arms for the chance of possibly taking a bullet for the President.

I say that the bigger commotion they made, right there in the middle of Elm Street, the better it would have been because it would startle the shooter or shooters. It would send them the message that the jig is up; it's over; and they might want to start thinking their own escape- enough to abort any further shooting.  

So, you see, it turns out that that AP caption, which was published all over this country and the world were really the words of evil.

"Secret Service men were looking for the source of the shots." 

Looking for the source of the shots. What bastards. At a time like that? Instead of protecting the President, trying to save his life, they were looking for the source of the shots? As if that was going to help anything? 

What were they going to do if they saw the source of the shots? Fire back? Then why didn't they have their guns out? 

But who knows: maybe Hickey was really just looking at Oswald. And I don't mean on the 6th floor; I mean in the doorway. 

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