Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Yes, the angle on this shot is comparable to the Moorman photo, and look what you've got: What arm is it, Backes? 

Let's do a comparison with the Moorman photo:

It's the left arm on the left, so why is it the right arm on the right? I drew a line to indicate the rising windshield on each bike. Compare the distance between the windshield and the hand for each rider. What we're seeing on the right is impossible. There is no way the distance could be that great. It is a bogus image. This entire piece was fabricated:

Everything about that is wrong. The whole geometry of it is wrong. The size of it is wrong. The clam-hand is wrong. It is filthy, bloodied art. 

I proved it in Dealey Plaza, that IF Mary had taken that picture- from the angle at which it was taken, which was proven by a professor of physics- that there is no way she would have captured a long expanse of right arm and none of his left. 

That is proof. That is accuracy. That is on the money. 

This is bull shit:

It did not happen; it could not happen. You might as shovel sand to try to stop the tide. 

You're bloodied, Backes. You are working for the other side. You are NOT an Oswald defender. The one thing you say he didn't do is the something he actually did: go home by bus and cab. 

The JFK assassination is the most photographically altered event in the history of Man. Zapruder, Altgens, Towner, Wiegman, Hughes, Bell, DPD, Muchmore, Nix, Moorman- all of them altered, manipulated, and falsified. And you don't acknowledge a single one. You evil, pathetic fool.  The only ones who give you the time of day are the other members of the Densa Club. And when the story of the resistance is written, you are going to go down as Judas Backes, traitor: to Kennedy, to Oswald, and to the JFK truth movement.  

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