Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today, September 16, 2015, the CIA released new documents pertaining to the JFK assassination. 

It was CIA memos on November 22, 1963 to the new President, Lyin' Lyndon Johnson, about Oswald's trip to Mexico City. 

CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

How is a memo evidence? It's evidence of a memo, how is a memo evidence that what's claimed in the memo is true? 

But first all, CIA, haven't you been saying all along, for 52 years, that Oswald contacted the Cubans and the Soviets in Mexico City? So, what's new about this? 

What, are you nervous? Do you think the story needs bolstering? Do you think that some people may not believe it?

Let's be crystal here: What is certain, beyond the tiniest shadow of a doubt, is that there were Oswald-doubles in Mexico City at that time.

I assume all mature adults will admit that none of those figures were Lee Harvey Oswald. 

So, I'll lay this out for you in plain English: Anyone who wants to claim that Oswald was in Mexico City has to claim that he was there at the same time that Oswald-doubles were there. And the very fact that Oswald-doubles were there casts in doubt all the claims about Oswald being there. That's because the use of a double is a form of lying, fabricating, and deceiving.  

So, until the CIA explains why Oswald-doubles were in Mexico City in late September/early October 1963- what they were doing there and who put them up to it- they need to shut their traps about the real Oswald being there. Because: they don't have a leg to stand on until they do that. You hear me, CIA?

But, there is one thing that came out of this that's a bit of a game changer: it said this:

 “He was trying, we are told, to arrange for visas so that he could travel to the USSR via Havana,” the briefing reads.

What? Oh really? Well, why go through Havana? What reason did Oswald have to think that the Soviets would take him back via Havana but not otherwise? 

So, Oswald wanted to go back to Russia, did he?  It sounds like they're now saying that his only interest in Cuba was as a transit to Russia. He wasn't going to leave his Soviet wife here and go back to Russia himself, was he? You're not trying to claim that, are you? Exactly how insane do you want to make this?

So, was he intending to take his whole family back to Russia? 

Well, doesn't it seem like he would have mentioned it to his wife? Because she didn't know anything about it. In fact, in her letters to Ruth Paine, she wrote just the opposite. She wrote that, at times, when he got mad at her, Oswald would tell her that SHE should go back to Russia -without him. He probably only said it because he knew she didn't want to go. 

In fact, if he really wanted to go back to Russia, his wife was his ticket. She was a Russian citizen. That was her country. She could go automatically. And being her husband, he would have gotten special treatment. That's how it is in this country and in most countries. They would have put down that their daughter June was born in Russia. Why would he go about it any other way?

There really isn't much to this announcement. It's mostly just a rehashing of the bullet points of the official story. 

They matter-of-factly stated the Oswald shot and killed Kennedy. Who disputes that, right? They failed to mention that he plead innocent to that- staunchly and repeatedly. And, they also failed to mention that he denied ever going to Mexico City, saying that the only place in Mexico he ever went was Tijuana when he was in the Marines. 

Listen up CIA: YOU killed Kennedy. You framed Oswald. And you've been lying about it for 52 years. Nobody believes your lies- not even the people who are paid to endorse them.  And you don't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of getting away with it. There will be a reckoning.   

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