Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Because Will Ruha repeated a common falsehood about the Oswald shooting, I must once again clarify that millions of people at home did not see Jack Ruby shoot Oswald in the garage. The millions of people at home watching it on television did not know Jack Ruby, so they could not possibly recognize him. What they saw was a short, pudgy, middle-aged white man in a tight-fitting suit and a fedora hat, whose face remained out of view the whole time, shoot Oswald. The viewers had no idea who he was. They only came to believe he was Jack Ruby because the Dallas Police announced it later.

And because they never saw the Shooter's face in the garage, they had nothing to mentally compare Ruby's face to when they saw him. So, they accepted what they were told.
Moreover, NO REPORTER IN THE GARAGE CLAIMED TO RECOGNIZE RUBY AT THE TIME. And that includes Hugh Aynesworth who knew Ruby very well and had eaten lunch with him very recently. Even he said that even though the Shooter zipped right in front of him, he had no idea he was Jack Ruby. Aynesworth said he found out the same way everyone else did, by the Police announcing it.
The only ones who claimed to see Jack Ruby in the garage were lying cops, such as Jim Leavelle. And Leavelle was one wicked liar. He not only claimed to recognize Ruby, he claimed that he took action to protect Oswald, pulling him behind him, as if he was going to take the bullet for Oswald, And Leavelle claimed to strike Ruby on the shoulder, which never happened. We have the films, and in them we can see that Leavelle was looking the other way as the Shooter came in. Leavelle did not begin to react until after the shot went off.
This is from the 1978 movie RUBY AND OSWALD in which Leavelle was an actor and technical advisor. He was paid for both. What you are seeing here is him striking "Ruby" on the shoulder, as he claimed to do, but never did. It is not seen in any film of the shooting, only in this recreation.
So, Leavelle lied about that, and he lied about the Shooter being Ruby. He knew very well that the Shooter was FBI Agent James Bookhout. And by the way, why wasn't Bookhout there? He attended everything that Oswald did. Bookhout was there.
Ruha: the only ones who claimed to see Ruby shoot Oswald were lying cops like Leavelle. No reporter saw Ruby do it, and no one at home saw Ruby do it.
Now, if you say it again, that millions saw Ruby shoot Oswald, you'll just plain be lying.

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