Monday, August 26, 2024

 This is a press conference that Ruby did in which he postured himself as if he knew something; and as if he knew the people involved in the assassination.

But, notice that it's his lawyers sitting next to him. So, they were hearing it too. Don't you think they would have pried it out of him afterwards to tell them everything he knew? Isn't it plainly obvious that they didn't believe he knew anything? And what he thought he knew he obtained from a book that someone gave to him to read, A Texan looks at Lyndon by J Evetts Haley. I read it, myself.
It came out January 1, 1964, so little more than a month after the assassination. The gist of the book is that Oswald did it, but LBJ put him up to it. In fact, it was the first book to implicate Johnson in the assassination.
But, what concrete facts did Ruby ever provide? None. Not a one. He didn't have anything to provide. And hypothetically, if Ruby really was involved in the JFK assassination and knew the movers and shakers, don't you think they would have killed him? They certainly could have. And consider how easy it would have been for them to scrap that press conference. But, not only have they not scraped it, they have promulgated it. They want it out there, to this day.
The real secret truth about Ruby is that he wasn't even in the garage during the Oswald shooting. He was already being held up on the 5th floor, and they slipped him into the story later.
I'm a fan of old movies, and last night, I watched Double Indemnity on TCM. In it, Fred McMurray helps Barbara Stanwyck kill her husband, and then, he pretends to be her husband. He boards a train wearing a very low-riding fedora hat. And he used crutches because her husband used crutches. He interacts with some people, always careful to keep his face out of view. Then he goes to the rear car, which was empty, and he jumps off the back of the slow-moving train. Then, Stanwyck, who was parked nearby, helps him move the dead body of her husband to the same spot on the track.
So, here's a collage of the two of them. They both wore a fedora hat, but the Shooter also wore a goofy Howard Cosell wig. It certainly wasn't real hair, and it certainly wasn't Ruby's hair.
So, this was a case of life imitating art. Double Indemnity came out in 1944. In the movie, it was insurance man Edward G. Robinson who figured it out.
The reason why that press conference of Ruby's is so visible on the net is because it serves the killers. It shifts Ruby's pendulum from guilt to super-guilt. And the plotters knew that there would be people who wouldn't accept the official story that Ruby did it alone, as a lone gunman. So, they planted and fed the alternative story that Ruby not only killed Oswald, but was involved in killing Kennedy as well. And after that, their attitude was: "Help yourself to either story. We don't care which one you take because they both serve us fine." But, the truth is just the opposite: Ruby didn't know anything, AND HE WASN'T EVEN THERE IN THE GARAGE.

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