Friday, August 23, 2024

Let’s consider what would have happened if Oswald hadn’t been killed that Sunday morning.  Surely, he would have continued clamoring for a lawyer. And he already done a lot of clamoring. I found 13X that, on camera, he complained about not being provided a lawyer. Plus, he devoted his entire MPC address to imploring the world to get him “legal assistance.” He did so much damage that they felt compelled to do damage control by tricking H Louis Nichols into believing that he met with Oswald in his cell, who turned down his offer for a lawyer. That was NOT Oswald, but rather, an Oswald double. What’s my evidence for it? The timing. Nichols said he didn’t conceive of the idea until 5 pm. Then he had to get dressed and ready; then drive downtown; park; make his way through the swarm at City Hall. Then, he said he ran into Chief Curry, whom he knew, who offered to help. He said he had him wait in his office for a while, where they talked. And joining them were two FBI agents. Finally, they said it was time to proceed. So, they took him up the elevator to the 5th floor where he was allowed to visit with “Oswald” in his cell.

But, at 6:24, Oswald was already down on the 3rd floor being taken to Fritz’ office for his Saturday evening interrogation. You can see him there doing that in this film, which says 6:24.

So, the reason that Curry stalled; the reason that he killed time with Nichols was to wait for the window in which Oswald would be somewhere else, and they could install the double in his cell, who would then turn down Nichol’s offer of a lawyer.  

Now, if you are a true Oswald defender; If you believe in his innocence and his intelligence, then you know he would NEVER have turned down that offer.  

So, if he hadn’t been killed on Sunday morning, he would have continued clamoring for a lawyer. And it was just that year, 1963, in March, that the Supreme Court’s decision in Gideon vs. Wainwright established that the 6ith Amendment guaranteed the right to an attorney. And that decision took immediate effect.

So, it would have been impossible for them to continue denying Oswald a lawyer. Had they done so, the whole world would have known that they were flagrantly violating his rights.

So, what would have happened when Oswald met with a lawyer? This is what would have happened.

Lawyer: Mr. Oswald, I am Mr. So and So, an attorney.  First, are you all right? Have you been mistreated?  You look a little rough.

Oswald: I’m a little banged up from what happened in the theater, but I’m all right.

Lawyre: Good. Now, we haven’t much time, so I just have to ask you: Did you shoot the President?

Oswald: No. I didn’t even own a rifle with which to shoot the President. .

Lawyer: They’re saying you ordered a rifle from Chicago.

Oswald: I did not. And why would I do that? They have rifles here in Dallas. I could have gone into K-Mart and bought a rifle if I wanted one.  

Lawyer: So, you didn’t obtain a money order and mail it to Chicago?

Oswald: Absolutely not.

Lawyer: Well, that means the FBI has concocted phony evidence against you.

Oswald: They have.

Lawyer: Where were you at the time of the shots?

Oswald: I was standing in the entrance with other employees, including my boss, Bill Shelley.

Lawyer takes out a photo.

Lawyer: Is this you?

He points to Doorway Man. Oswald does a double take.

Oswald: Yeah, that’s me, but they altered that image. Still, it’s definitely me. That’s where I was.

Lawyer: What about the photograph they showed you of you wielding two weapons?

Oswald: That was not me. They put my face over the body of another man, and I told them so.

Lawyer: What was your attitude towards President Kennedy?

Oswald: I liked him. And I certainly never thought of killing him. I’m not insane.

Lawyer: And Officer Tippit?

Oswald: I didn’t kill him either. I never went to 10th and Patton. That was somebody else.

Lawyer thinks for a long moment. Then he responds.

Lawyer: I believe you. And it means that you are being framed. And since the government is the one framing you, it means that they must have killed the President. So, this is what I want you to do: I want you to refuse to answer any more questions unless I am present. I am going to demand a preliminary hearing in which I will challenge all their evidence. I will release a statement to the press, professing your innocence, and there is no gag order preventing me from doing that.

Oswald: I am worried about my family. I haven’t heard from my wife in days.

Lawyer: I’ll look into it, and I’ll get her to safe place. They have no right to detain her.

Oswald. Good.

Lawyer: I am also going to file a motion challenging your remandment on the grounds of personal safety. I am gong to visit you every day because it’s the best way for me to protect you.

Oswald. Thank you. I appreciate it.

Do you see what it would have set in motion? Do you see why they desperately needed Oswald dead? And they knew it in advance. They hoped he would die in the theater, but he didn’t.  Then, they hoped they could kill him on national television at the Midnight Press Conference, but that didn’t work out either. Finally, on Sunday morning, they got him killed. But remember: they took possession of his wife on Saturday, which means that they knew what was going to happen on Sunday.

Everything was planned, and Jack Ruby was just a helpless, hopeless, witless patsy.  The same people who killed Kennedy killed Oswald. LBJ put the Dallas Police up to killing him.

Like Oswald, Ruby was completely innocent. The difference between them was that Oswald was of sound mind, and Ruby was not.

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