Friday, August 9, 2024

 This is NOT a shadow. Shadows are cast by objects. When an object is between the source of light and the area of shadow, the object blocks the light from reaching the area of shadow, and that is what causes the shadow. Now, in this case, there is no object that could possibly cast that inky blackness as a shadow around that man's eye. This is 8th grade Physics. And here it is 61 years after the assassination, and yet, stupid, ignorant lies like this are still strewn every day in the JFK community.

Now, this guy is not Jack Ruby, and he is not the Garage Shooter either. This guy was tall. He was almost as tall as Blackie Harrison, who was the tallest guy in the garage. The Shooter was the shortest man in the garage. There was nobody shorter. So, how could the shooter be both tall and short?
Tonight, Bob Burgess tried to pass this guy off as Ruby. He brandished him to me as if he was surprising me with something I hadn't seen before. I've known about this guy since the last century. Over two decades. And he's a weird freak. He's not even anatomically correct. Look at the distance between his sideburn and his ear. That's excessive. It isn't normal. The sideburn and the ear are pretty snug. If you don't believe me, look in the mirror.
In the early years, Burgess' kind said the man was wearing sunglasses, until I pointed out that Ruby had no sunglasses. So then, they started saying it was shadow. And the irony is that, not only is that not shadow; you couldn't have shadow that dark even if there were an object that could cast it. And that's because there would still be some ambient, diffuse light that would prevent the shadow from getting that dark. In the larger image, part of Tom Pettit's face is in shadow, but it isn't that dark. This is totally bogus. It's man-made. And they did it because he's not Jack Ruby and didn't look like Jack Ruby, so they covered his eyes.
The JFK world is corrupt. It is foul and dirty. It's vile. And it's vicious too.

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