Saturday, August 24, 2024

 The abominable image on the right is from the online rendering of the NBC footage of the Oswald shooting, but why is it so bad? Was it really that bad on November 24, 1963? No, it couldn't have been. I was alive then. I was watching tv in the 1950s, and it wasn't that bad. Television was never that bad.

And to shut down people like David Matlock, who spawns excuses for everything in a "dog ate my homework" way, I'll point out that the Jackson photo was shot in the same place with the same lighting, but it came out much better, as you can see in this collage.
So, is that going to shut Matlock up? No. Not on your life. He'll spew some new excuse why Jackson's photo came out relatively sharp and with balanced lighting, while the NBC footage is crude and blurry and extremely unbalanced and exaggerated. Matlock will never run out of "dog ate my homework" excuses for the perpetrators.
The bottom line is that they don't want us to see the NBC footage too well. So, what are they trying to hide? What do they not want us to see?
And by the way, the Jackson photo was taken in advanced at a photo-shoot. It was taken in the same place but not at the same time.

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