Monday, August 12, 2024

 There is no good reason why people, who profess to believe in Oswald's innocence should get so riled by my assertion that Ruby was innocent too. Just think for a moment:

If Oswald was innocent, then it means that everything the the FBI was saying about him was a falsehood; a fabrication. It means that their claim that Oswald mail-ordered a rifle from Chicago was a lie. And be aware that Oswald denied that he did that. And you can't be an Oswald defender while also calling him a liar. If you believe in his innocence, then you have to believe what he said. Here, John Armstrong demolishes- in no uncertain terms- the claim that Oswald mail-ordered a rifle from Chicago. Read it and weep.
So, it means that the FBI took a huge chance in proffering that phony evidence. It would never hold up in court. They could never let it go to trial, but they couldn't even let Oswald speak to a lawyer- even once. They would have had to kill the lawyer.
Just think: they let Ruby talk to a lawyer right away. Fritz even stated publicly that that was his right. What the mother folk? Then, what about Oswald's right? Why were they OK with Ruby talking to a lawyer but not Oswald? It's because Ruby didn't know anything. All he could do is tell the lawyer that he never conceived of killing Oswald, and he had no memory of doing it. He found out about it the same way everyone else did- from the Dallas Police saying it.
But, Oswald was sharp, and he and his lawyer would have made a formidable team. They would have destroyed the mail-order rifle, the Backyard photos, the trip to Mexico City, the attempt to shoot Walker, and more. And they would have established that Oswald was standing in the doorway during the JFK shooting. Oswald would have devastated the FBI and the Dallas Police in court.
And you do realize that they tried to kill Oswald before Sunday morning. The whole purpose of sending him to the Texas Theater was the hope that a trigger-happy cop would kill him. It could have happened, but it didn't.
And I believe they hoped to be able to kill him at the Midnight Press Conference. After all, it was ridiculous to hold such a thing. Assassins aren't entitled to press conferences. They don't get to speak to the world. Such a thing has never happened before or since. It was the only time in human history that a notorious criminal was given a microphone to address the world. There had to be something in it for them, ie law enforcement, and it was the chance to kill Oswald. Of course, that didn't work out for them either.
So, why didn't they just kill him on Saturday afternoon and be done with it? Well, there was something they had to do first- before they could kill him. They had to undo the damage Oswald did the night before at the MPC, asserting that they were denying him a lawyer. So, they worked out the ruse with H Louis Nichols, the attorney. They had to wait until Oswald was removed from his cell and then they stuck a double in it to trick Nichols into thinking that he met with Oswald. Then, when Nichols offered to get a lawyer for the double, the double said no. And that undid the damage from the night before.
If you read NIchols' account, he didn't even get the idea to go to City Hall to visit Oswald until 5 pm. So, he had to get ready and then drive downtown. Parking must have been a bear. Then, he made his way to City Hall, and he ran into Chief Curry, who was talking to two FBI agents. Curry invited Nichols to joint them in his office, to join the conversation, which went on for quite a while. Then, Curry said it was time for him to go see Oswald, so someone took Nichols up to the 5th floor. But, how much time had passed? If Nichols didn't set thing in motion until 5 PM, I figure a good hour and a half passed. So, that made it 6:30. Well, at 6:20, Oswald was taken down to the 3rd floor to talk to Fritz. You can see it here. It starts with a clock that says 6:24.
So, that's less than an hour and a half. It was an hour and 24 minutes.
So, they fixed that problem on Saturday evening, and then they were ready to kill Oswald on Sunday morning.
Now, I already showed you how the Secret Service took control of Marina Oswald, and extricated her from Ruth Paine's house BEFORE Oswald was shot. But, it would have been pointless to do it unless Oswald was going to be shot. You can't confiscate a defendant's wife and then prosecute him for murder. His wife is entitled to be his witness; not the State's. But, they knew that Oswald's death was imminent, and they wanted to have her ain their custody at that moment. So, they started early, and they had physical possession of her before Oswald was shot. It proves that they knew he was going to be shot because they were going to shoot him. And by "they" I mean law enforcement, both the Dallas cops and the feds.
So, the perpetrators and law enforcement needed Oswald dead ASAP. They didn't get lucky that Ruby came along and did it for them. Luck had nothing to do with anything in the JFK assassination. Think about the ancient Latin phrase, Cui bono? Who benefits? Kennedy's killers and their agents in law enforcement benefited from Oswald's murder. And they are the ones who killed him. Ruby was just their patsy.
So, whether you think Ruby killed Oswald on his own accord, or on the order of the Mafia, or because he was in cahoots with the Dallas Police, just forget it. Ruby wasn't in cahoots with anyone. There isn't a speck of truth in any of those stories. Ruby was tricked into going to Western Union; then he was tricked further into going to the police garage. Then, when he got to the basement, he was jumped upon by the cops, and it was an hour before the televised spectacle. Ruby was being held on the 5th floor, in his underwear, during the televised spectacle, and they dropped him into the story at 3 pm when they brought him down to the 3rd floor to talk to Fritz. And that's when he entered the story for the first time. It was a classic bait and switch.
If you are a lone-nutter, then I understand that you have to fight this. But, if you profess to believe in Oswald's innocence, then you have no reason to fight this. And you should know that there are a lot of phony Oswald defenders out there who are really working for the other side. They are trying to influence Oswald defenders, to keep them away from ideas that threaten the survival of the official story, such as that Jack Ruby was innocent.
So, this photo shows when and where Jack Ruby, unwittingly, took the baton from James Bookhout, so to speak. Of course, Ruby himself had no idea what had happened. He was stoned out of his mind on drugs. Look at that zombied look.
The bottom line is that the real Oswald defenders will join me in espousing Ruby's innocence, and the pretenders won't.

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